in Operations



Operations that
account for people
and the planet

Natural resources matter to us all

We are working to establish an operating system for business sites that is safe and sustainable for everyone. This includes managing our use of natural resources, recycling resources needed for product development or production processes, removing pollutants, and developing recycling technologies.

We strive to make a
and safe

Our approach to
in operations of
business sites

Managing on-site
Aim to achieve Platinum grade Zero Waste
to Landfill validation* for global
manufacturing sites by 2025
Expand recycling rate and Zero Waste to Landfill validation
* Zero Waste to Landfill validation from UL(Underwriters Laboratories)
Increase resource circularity of waste
Increase waste recycling and resource efficiency with high value-added activities
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Reducing water use and
air pollution
By 2030, target to reduce DS Division1)
water withdrawal to 2021 levels
Treat water/air pollutants
to natural
state2) at semiconductor
business sites by 2040
1) Korean business sites
2) Treating effluent to the level of upper stream water and emissions to clean air quality meeting the national standards
Learn more
Managing chemicals
Complying with standards for managing chemicals used in products
Operate a thorough pre-inspection
and follow-up system for chemical management in parts and raw materialsLearn more

Managing On-site Waste

Increase the recycling rate to
achieve Zero Waste to Landfill

Zero Waste to Landfill roadmap

2022 - 23 manufacturing sites obtained the Zero Wastre to Landfill validation

2023 - Achieved 97% recycling rate 30 manufacturing sites* have obtained the Zero Waste to Landfill validation * 30 out of 31 sites have obtained the validation, including 21 sites that have certified the highest grade (Platinum) as of March 2024.

2025 - Obtain the highest Platinum grade validation for all global business sites

Recycling: Rethinking
waste as a resource

We continue to advance the circular economy by discovering added value in waste and developing recycling technologies. Through this, up to 97% waste recycling rate was achieved in 2023.

Efforts to minimize residue in chemical storage drums used in-house, recycling waste wafers, and recycling coffee capsules in offices continued across semiconductor business sites in 2023. This resulted in maintaining the Platinum-grade* Zero Waste to Landfill validation, as validated by the global safety science company UL (Underwriters Laboratories).

*SAS subsidiary maintained Gold grade

Platinum Grade*
South Korea: Suwon, Gwangju, Giheung, Hwaseong, Pyeongtaek, Onyang, and Cheonan
Overseas: China (Xi’an, two in Suzhou), Slovakia,
India (Chennai, Noida), Brazil (Campinas, Manaus),
Poland, Egypt, Vietnam (two in Hanoi), Mexico (Tijuana),
*March 2024 status
Gold Grade*
South Korea: Gumi
Overseas: Hungary, Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh), Thailand,
Mexico (Querétaro), Indonesia, USA (Austin, Newberry),
*March 2024 status

Waste, a new resource

Our innovative technology drives this change, recycling previously
incinerated and
reclaimed waste.

Waste recycling goals and current status

Reducing Water
Use and Air

Efforts to preserve the natural environment

Water resources and air
pollution management roadmap

2023 - Hwaseong site achieved the Platinum level of AWS (Alliance for Water Stewardship) for the first time in Korea Expanded AWS certified business sites

2030 - Reduce DS Division* water withdrawal to 2021 levels Reuse reclaimed wastewater from public wastewater treatment plants Replenish 100% of the water used globally by DX Division * Korean business sites

2040 - Treat water/air pollutants to natural state at semiconductor business sites Develop new technologies that can process to a natural state level

Restore water and air to their natural state

Production processes require water. They also can pollute the atmosphere. We need to work on two fronts: one, saving water, and two, developing technologies to reduce air and water pollutants.

We are reducing the amount of new water withdrawal by maximizing the reuse of water in production processes. Due to the expansion of semiconductor lines, the daily water withdrawal requirement at semiconductor business sites will more than double between 2022 and 2030. However, we have decided to keep the level from 2021 by increasing the reuse of water.

Starting in 2040, we will apply innovative technologies that treat air and water pollutants from semiconductor manufacturing process to a natural state to minimize the impact on the environment.

Annual increase in
water reusage
Unit: 1,000 tonnes

Unit: 1,000 tons 2020: 70,181 2021: 94,360 2022: 116,590 2023: 122,891

Reducing air pollutants
and planting trees

Air pollution management activities


We don’t stop at ‘good enough’,
because we care about our
customers and employees’ health
and their environments.

Reducing the use of
hazardous substances
for the health of our
customers and

We strive to minimize any potential adverse effects on the health of our
customers, employees, or to the environment that may arise from
products containing hazardous substances or chemicals used at our
manufacturing sites. We have established and stringently manage
internal regulations that incorporate global environmental standards
such as the EU Directive on the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous
Substances) and EU REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
Restriction of Chemicals). We will continue to monitor and
systematically respond to new regulatory standards, such as authorized
uses of PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances).

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