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Equity, and

Diverse talent and a culture of inclusiveness drive
innovation and growth.

We at Samsung Electronics want all colleagues to feel a sense of belonging
and to be able to realize their full potential and equally seize opportunities.

Policy and Status

Be Yourself,
We Build a Better Tomorrow

To shape a better tomorrow for our customers, partners and local communities,
Samsung Electronics ensure that all of our employees are given equal opportunities

Women at

We are continuing our efforts to empower all our female employees as they demonstrate
outstanding competencies in various fields as next-generation leaders.

We are continuing our efforts to empower all our female employees as they demonstrate outstanding competencies in various fields as next-generation leaders.

Percentage of women by job function: 2013 - Product Development: 16.3% Sale and marketing: 30.5%, 2018 - Product Development: 17.7% Sale and marketing: 30.8%, 2023 - Product Development: 19.2% Sale and marketing 34%, Percentage of women in leadership: 2013 - Executive: 3.8% Manager: 11.8%, 2018 - Executive: 6.3% Manager: 14.2%, 2023 - Executive: 7.3% Manager 17.6% Percentage of women by job function: 2013 - Product Development: 16.3% Sale and marketing: 30.5%, 2018 - Product Development: 17.7% Sale and marketing: 30.8%, 2023 - Product Development: 19.2% Sale and marketing 34%, Percentage of women in leadership: 2013 - Executive: 3.8% Manager: 11.8%, 2018 - Executive: 6.3% Manager: 14.2%, 2023 - Executive: 7.3% Manager 17.6%

Employee Resource Groups

Embracing Diversity, Building Communities Together

Employees voluntarily form Employee Resource Groups(ERGs) under the themes of women, persons with disabilities, inter-generation, race, veterans and more. ERGs serve as a platform for networking, mentoring, volunteer work and employee education.
Approximately 5,600 employees are operating 37 different types of ERG meetings in the U.S., Europe, Latin America and Southwest Asia.

Wise(women in samsung electronics),WOMEN in technology, WOMEN at samsung, W+ samsung, W+E samsung, Women+, Women samsung, WISE + SRA, PRIDE(samsung electronics america), PRIDE(employee resource group), Unidos(samsung electronics america), Galaxy of Black Professionals, Black Professionals Samsung, BLACK Employee Network, HISPANIC Employee Resource Group, True Ability, Working Parents, Next generation Leaders, Leaders of Tomorrow, Veterans Community, Military Appreciation Group Wise(women in samsung electronics),WOMEN in technology, WOMEN at samsung, W+ samsung, W+E samsung, Women+, Women samsung, WISE + SRA, PRIDE(samsung electronics america), PRIDE(employee resource group), Unidos(samsung electronics america), Galaxy of Black Professionals, Black Professionals Samsung, BLACK Employee Network, HISPANIC Employee Resource Group, True Ability, Working Parents, Next generation Leaders, Leaders of Tomorrow, Veterans Community, Military Appreciation Group

ERG Objectives


Building an inclusive culture across regions

  • DEI Council Operations
    In August 2023, DX Division at Samsung Electronics launched the DEI Council,
    comprising executives from the People Team. The council, which is composed of the
    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion subcommittees, addresses the company’s diversity status
    and improvement goals and deliberates major issues related to DEI.
  • Stellar Forest
    In March 2023, Samsung Electronics established Stellar Forest to create sustainable jobs for people with developmental disabilities. This subsidiary-type standard workplace, located in Yongin, South Korea, began business operations based on the know-how from Bear.Better., a company specializing in employment of persons with developmental disabilities. As of December 2023, we have employed 150 individuals with developmental disabilities to make cookies, madeleines, muffins, and other baked goods for Samsung Electronics employees. Moving forward, we plan to continue working with local organizations such as welfare centers, special needs schools, and the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities(KEAD) to create suitable job opportunities for these individuals.
  • Target Gender Equality Participation
    In 2023, our DEI Office joined the Target Gender Equality(TGE) program, hosted by the UN Global Compact Network Korea, to learn how to set goals and bolster female leadership.

    TGE supports more than 1,500 companies in 50 countries to establish and attain gender equality through performance analysis, capacity-building workshops, and peer learning.
  • Samsung Family Supporters
    Samsung Family Supporters is a voluntary advisory group on product accessibility and usability comprised of employees and their families with disabilities. In 2023, we launched the second generation of this initiative, seeking the group’s feedback on our accessible TV features such as Audio Subtitles, Sign Language Zoom, and Relumino Mode. The group’s input, gathered through a series of true or false questions, has shaped the accessibility direction for our home appliances. This group also actively participates in various campaigns aimed at improving disability awareness among employees.
  • Women’s Leadership Training
    Southwest Asia Office
    The 'SheLEADs' program, the first women's leadership development program
    in SIEL-S(India), aims to identify and nurture female talent within Samsung,
    building a talent pipeline suitable for future leadership positions.

    We provide tools and support to enhance the capabilities of female employees,
    striving to create a leadership environment characterized by diversity and inclusivity.
  • Sign Language Counseling Services for the Hard of Hearing
    Since 2015, we have provided sign language consultation services for the hard of hearing, beginning in Türkiye. Since 2021, these services have expanded globally and are now operating in 57 countries. This expansion caters to users with hearing difficulties who previously could not access consultations or technical support when experiencing difficulties with our products.
  • Support for Women and Youth
    in India and Spain
    At the Samsung Innovation Campus, we support an array of programs aimed at nurturing the capabilities of diverse youth groups. We achieve this by providing equal educational opportunities and diversified learning formats. Our particular focus lies in promoting women’s participation in technology and assisting diverse leaders to realize their full potential.
  • Samsung Pioneers Initiative
    in the UK
    Samsung Pioneers is SEUK(United Kingdom)'s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion platform, designed to champion greater equality in the technology industry. The programme also advocates for lasting change in the company to create a culture of inclusivity and allyship.
    Learn more


Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts have received recognitions around the globe

  • Awards & Recognition Awards & Recognition
    USA Corporate Equality Index
    - Best Places to Work
  • USA, 美 인권캠페인재단 일하기 좋은 직장 (2022) USA, 美 인권캠페인재단 일하기 좋은 직장 (2022)
    USA Best Place for Working Parents
  • Canada, 청년을 위한 최고의 고용주 (2022) Canada, 청년을 위한 최고의 고용주 (2022)
    Canada Top Employer for Young People
  • Thailand, DE&I 채용 우수기업 (다양성,형평성, 포용성) (2021) Thailand, DE&I 채용 우수기업 (다양성,형평성, 포용성) (2021)
    Thailand Plaque of honor for inclusive product design and services for the visually impaired people
    Plaque of honor for inclusive product design and services for the visually impaired people
  • India, 청년을 위한 최고의 고용주 (2022) India, 청년을 위한 최고의 고용주 (2022)
    India Meaningful Contribution in Managing Hybrid Workplace
  • Mexico, 시각장애인 대상 디자인・서비스 우수기업 (2022) Mexico, 시각장애인 대상 디자인・서비스 우수기업 (2022)
    Mexico Best CX Contribution in Social Responsibility
  • Korea, 하이브리드형 근무환경 우수기업 (2021) Korea, 하이브리드형 근무환경 우수기업 (2021)
    Korea Family-friendly Company
  • Global, 고객경험 직원 경험 어워드 사회적 책임 부문 수상 (2022) Global, 고객경험 직원 경험 어워드 사회적 책임 부문 수상 (2022)
    Global World’s Best Employers

Inclusiveness of Organizational Culture

The 2023 results* showed that 89% of our global employees viewed our programs and initiatives as being fairly operated
regardless of age, gender, race, or place of origin.

* 2022-2023 global employee survey results

2023 Samsung Culture Index Results of DEI Satisfaction Survey Q  :In this Company, I am treated fairly regardless of age, gender, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, military status, disabilities, religion and national origin. - 2022 88%, 2023 89% / Q : My team members value diverse perspectives. - 2022 90%, 2023 90% / Q : My manager encourages open discussions and dialogue with me. - 2022 85%, 2023 88% 2023 Samsung Culture Index Results of DEI Satisfaction Survey Q  :In this Company, I am treated fairly regardless of age, gender, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, military status, disabilities, religion and national origin. - 2022 88%, 2023 89% / Q : My team members value diverse perspectives. - 2022 90%, 2023 90% / Q : My manager encourages open discussions and dialogue with me. - 2022 85%, 2023 88%

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  • Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy

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