Facts & Figures

Check out the latest data on Samsung Electronics’ financial, environmental, and social performance at a glance.

Economic performance

Key financial performance

Key financial performance1) 2021 2022 2023
Sales KRW 1 trillion 279.6 302.2 258.9
Operating profit KRW 1 trillion 51.6 43.4 6.6
Net income KRW 1 trillion 39.9 55.7 15.5
  1. Based on consolidated financial statements

Sales by division (based on net sales)

Sales by division (absolute value) 2021 2022 2023
DX KRW 1 trillion 166.3 182.5 170.0
DS KRW 1 trillion 95.4 98.5 66.6
SDC KRW 1 trillion 31.7 34.4 31.0
Harman1) KRW 1 trillion 10 13.2 14.4
Sales by division (percentage) 2021 2022 2023
DX % 55 56 60
DS % 31 30 24
SDC % 11 10 11
Harman2) % 3 4 5
  1. Harman [sales by division (absolute value)]: Acquired in 2016
  2. Harman [sales by division (percentage)]: Acquired in 2016

Sales by region (based on net sales)

Sales by region (absolute value) 2021 2022 2023
Americas KRW 1 trillion 97.9 119 92.1
Europe KRW 1 trillion 50.3 50.3 48.1
Korea KRW 1 trillion 44.0 48.7 45.6
Asia and Africa1) KRW 1 trillion 87.4 84.3 73.1
Sales by region (percentage) 2021 2022 2023
Americas % 35 39 35
Europe % 18 17 19
Korea % 16 16 18
Asia and Africa1) % 31 28 28
  1. Starting in 2023, 'Asia and Africa' data includes China data

Economic value distribution

Economic value distribution 2021 2022 2023
[Suppliers] Purchasing costs1) KRW 1 trillion 192 219.8 212.8
[Local communities] CSR costs2) KRW 1 trillion 0.4 0.4 0.4
[Shareholders and investors] Dividends3) KRW 1 trillion 9.8 9.8 9.8
[Shareholders and investors] Dividend payout ratio % 25 18 68
[Creditors] Interest costs4) KRW 1 trillion 0.4 0.8 0.9
[Employees] Personnel expenses5) KRW 1 trillion 34.6 37.6 38
[Government] Taxes and public duties by region 2021 2022 2023
[Government] Taxes and public duties by region6) KRW 1 trillion 10.2 13 8.2
Asia % 14 11 19.1
Korea % 67 74 58.1
Americas and Europe % 16 14 21.5
Others % 3 1 1.3
Percentage of distributed economic value 2021 2022 2023
Suppliers1) % 77 79.3 78.8
Local communities2) % 0.1 0.1 0.2
Shareholders and investors3) % 3.9 3.5 3.6
Creditors4) % 0.2 0.3 0.3
Employees5) % 13.9 13.6 14.1
Government6) % 4.9 3.2 3
  1. Suppliers: Costs related to all materials, products, equipment, and services purchased for business
  2. Local communities: Total costs of CSR activities
  3. Shareholders and investors: Dividends
  4. Creditors: Interest costs
  5. Employees: Sum of wages, retirement benefits, and welfare benefits included in sales costs, SG&A expenses, and R&D expenses
  6. Government: Sum of corporate taxes (based on cash flow statement) and other taxes and public duties

Human rights

Employee Status

Number of employees 2021 2022 2023
Total Number of employees1) Individuals 266,644 270,278 267,860
Global* Individuals 155,518 152,351 147,104
Korea Individuals 111,126 117,927 120,756
Number of employees by employment type 2021 2022 2023
Non-fixed-term employees Individuals 262,415 266,233 264,131
Fixed-term employees2) Individuals 4,229 4,045 3,729
Number of employees by age group 2021 2022 2023
Under 30 Individuals 89,897 83,155 72,525
30s Individuals 108,459 111,607 113,874
40 and above Individuals 68,288 75,516 81,461
Number of employees by job type 2021 2022 2023
Development Individuals 75,218 80,423 83,729
Manufacturing Individuals 122,811 117,190 109,722
Quality assurance and EHS Individuals 19,457 19,763 21,386
Sales and marketing Individuals 23,257 24,703 25,136
Others Individuals 25,901 28,199 27,887
Number of employees by rank 2021 2022 2023
Working level3) Individuals 184,718 182,323 174,060
Manager level Individuals 80,532 86,498 92,315
Executive level4) Individuals 1,394 1,457 1,485
Number of employees by region5) 2021 2022 2023
Korea Individuals 111,126 117,927 120,756
Asia Individuals 112,376 106,790 100,938
North America and Central and South America Individuals 25,694 27,166 27,882
Europe Individuals 10,424 11,709 12,001
CIS Individuals 2,279 1,756 1,611
Middle East and Africa Individuals 4,745 4,930 4,672
Number of non-Samsung Electronics employees 2021 2022 2023
Number of non-Samsung Electronics employees6) Individuals 50,109 54,586 62,250
Men Individuals 31,951 32,883 36,734
Women Individuals 13,270 16,786 20,383
Others** Individuals 4,888 4,917 5,133
Number of non-Samsung Electronics employees by region 2021 2022 2023
Korea Individuals 34,428 38,492 43,902
Asia Individuals 4,859 5,153 7,669
North America and Central and South America Individuals 4,007 3,654 3,711
Europe Individuals 5,004 5,847 5,479
CIS Individuals 1,108 579 504
Middle East and Africa Individuals 703 861 985
Welfare benefit expenses in Korea and abroad 2021 2022 2023
Welfare benefit expenses in Korea and abroad KRW 1 billion 5,073 6,092 6,473
  1. Number of employees: As of year end (excluding those dispatched by partner companies, those on leave, interns, and full-time students)
    2021 and 2022 figures updated due to changes in calculation standard
  2. Fixed-term employees: Those hired pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Fixed-Term and Part-Time Employees at our business sites in Korea and subcontractors and apprentices at our global business sites
  3. Working-level employees: Encompassing those opting for flexible work arrangements and those not categorized under the manager and executive levels
  4. Executive-level employees: Including those at the vice president level or higher (excluding Masters, Fellows, and advisors) at our Korean business sites and at the vice president level and higher at our global business sites (excluding global advisors since 2023)
  5. Number of employees by region: Starting in 2023, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, Japan, and China figures combined and Middle East and Africa values combined
  6. Number of non-Samsung Electronics employees: including those dispatched by partner companies, interns (including those experiencing work for educational or training purposes) at global sites
    2021, 2022 data updated due to changes in calculation standard

* "Global" refers to countries excluding Korea

** Those who chose not to indicate their gender

Percentage of new female hires and retirement rate

Percentage of new female hires 2021 2022 2023
Korea % 27.5 27.9 28.1
Global % 33 29.4 28.4
Retirement rate1)2) 2021 2022 2023
Total retirement rate % 13.9 12.9 10.6
Retirement rate of men % 7.6 7 5.9
Retirement rate of women % 6.3 5.9 4.6
  1. Retirement rate: Ratio of those who retired during the respective fiscal year to the total number of employees
  2. Retirement rates of men and women: Based on the number of employees in Korea and abroad who chose to indicate their gender

Safety and health

Safety and health 2021 2022 2023
Frequency rate1) % 0.106 0.155 0.103
Injury rate2) % 0.022 0.031 0.025
Injury rate of suppliers3) % 0.076 0.094 0.065
  1. (Number of incidents / Total working hours) x 1,000,000; based on employees in Korea and at our global manufacturing sites
  2. (Number of incidents / Number of on-site employees) x 100; based on employees in Korea and at our global manufacturing sites
  3. Based on suppliers stationed at our sites

Career development

Number of training sessions 2021 2022 2023
Total 10,000 cases 818 914 950
Global 10,000 cases 366 407 487
Korea 10,000 cases 452 508 463
Hours of training per employee 2021 2022 2023
Hours of training per employee1) Hours 54.9 60.1 66.9
Global Hours 45.7 52.1 58.2
Korea Hours 67.7 70.5 77.5
Average hours of training by gender 2021 2022 2023
Men Hours 58.2 61.1 66
Women Hours 48.2 58.3 68.6
Average hours of training by employment type 2021 2022 2023
Regular employees Hours 54.8 60.5 67.3
Non-regular employees2) Hours 43.8 40.3 42.4
Training expenses 2021 2022 2023
Total training expenses3) KRW 100 million 1,321 1,853 2,090
Training expenses per employee4) KRW 1,000 1,188 1,571 1,731
Ratio of training expenses to sale5) % 0.05 0.07 0.08
Ratio of training expenses to personnel expenses6) % 0.8 0.5 0.5
Re-employment through the Career Consulting7) 2021 2022 2023
Re-employment applicants Cases 7,940 8,246 8,838
Re-employed Cases 6,982 7,286 7,653
Rate of re-employed % 87.9 88.4 86.6
  1. Average training hours per employee: Online training + offline training
  2. Non-regular employees: subcontractors + apprentices
  3. Total training expenses: Employees in Korea
  4. Training expenses per employee: Total training expenses / Total number of employees in Korea
  5. Ratio of training expenses to sales: Total training expenses / Sales (sales of DX division (absolute value) + sales of DS division (absolute value))
  6. Ratio of training expenses to personnel expenses: Total training expenses / Total compensation for employees of the headquarters in Korea
  7. Re-employment through the Career Development Center: Cumulative sum since 2001, including some of employees of other electronics affiliates as well as those of Samsung Electronics

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

Percentage of female employees 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of female employees1) % 36.3 35.1 33.7
Percentage of female employees by job type 2021 2022 2023
Development % 18.8 19.2 19.2
Manufacturing % 46.8 45.1 43
Quality assurance and EHS % 42.3 40.8 38.6
Sales and marketing % 32.3 33.6 34
Others % 36 35.9 36.8
Percentage of female employees by region 2021 2022 2023
Korea % 25.1 25.2 25.3
Asia % 48.6 47 44.2
North America and Central and South America % 34.9 34.4 33.6
Europe % 33.8 34 34
CIS % 35 40.8 41.8
Middle East and Africa % 17.9 19.1 20.4
Percentage of female employees by rank 2021 2022 2023
Working level % 45.3 43.9 42.5
Manager level % 16.1 16.9 17.6
Executive level % 6.8 6.9 7.3
Number of employees on parental leave2) 2021 2022 2023
Men Individuals 999 1,310 1,304
Women Individuals 2,936 3,054 3,173
Rate of return to work after parental leave3) 2021 2022 2023
Men % 96.3 96.5 97.7
Women % 98.9 98.9 99
In-house daycare centers maximum capacity 2021 2022 2023
In-house daycare centers maximum capacity4) Individuals 2,608 2,628 2,642
Number of in-house daycare centers 2021 2022 2023
Number of in-house daycare centers4) Centers 11 11 11
Number of employees with disabilities 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees with disabilities5) Individuals 1,632 1,732 1,931
Percentage of employees with disabilities 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of employees with disabilities6) % 1.6 1.6 1.8
  1. Percentage of female employees: Based on the total number of employees
  2. Number of employees on parental leave: Based on the number of employees at business sites in Korea
  3. Rate of return to work after parental leave: Based on the number of employees at business sites in Korea
  4. In-house daycare centers maximum capacity: Based on our business sites in Korea; 2021, 2022 data updated due to exclusion of Samsung Display operated daycare centers
  5. Number of employees with disabilities: Based on the number of employees with disabilities at our business sites in Korea as reported to the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities (including those hired by our subsidiary standard workplace for people with disabilities); 2021, 2022 data updated due to changes in figure calculation standards
  6. Percentage of employees with disabilities: Based on the percentage of employees with disabilities at our business sites in Korea as reported to the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities (including those hired by our subsidiary standard workplace for people with disabilities); 2021, 2022 data updated due to changes in figure calculation standards

Tech for all

Privacy protection

Privacy protection 2021 2022 2023
In-house consulting Cases 6,273 5,858 8,302
Response to government request for information1) 2021 2022 2023
Requests Cases 179 187 594
Response Cases 122 126 456
Response rate % 68 67 77
  1. Response to government requests for information: Compiled statistical data with regards to the warrants issued by Korean courts in accordance with the applicable Korean laws

Enhancement of customer value

Korea1) 2021 2022 2023
Visual Display and Digital Appliances Score 80.6 83.8 87.6
Mobile and Networks Score 84.8 86.8 89.5
Global2) 2021 2022 2023
Visual Display and Digital Appliances Score 60.6 61.6 60.9
Mobile and Networks Score 66.9 66.8 67.3
  1. Korea: Customer service satisfaction is evaluated based on Samsung Electronics' Net Promoter Score (NPS).
    * The CE Division (including Visual Display and Digital Appliances) and IM Divison (Mobile and Networks) were integrated into the Device eXperience (DX) Division in December 2021. The figures of 2021 is based on the previous business categorization.
  2. Global : Satisfaction recommendation index surveyed among customers who received Samsung Electronics repair services.
    * For global cases, the figures of 2021 and 2022 were updated in accordance with the revised evaluation criteria starting from 2023.

Supply chain

Sustainable supply chain

Global network 2021 2022 2023
Global number of suppliers1) Companies 2,129 2,131 2,515
Comprehensive supplier evaluation 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of evaluated suppliers2) % 93 89 92
Percentage of suppliers rated outstanding % 68 62 71
Percentage of suppliers with environmental management system (ISO 14001, etc.) certification3) % 88 90 87
Percentage of suppliers with health and safety system (ISO 45001, etc.) certification4) % 47 50 51
Global Purchasing Code of Conduct compliance 2021 2022 2023
Korean SME suppliers paid 100% within 10 days Companies 576 589 574
Partner Collaboration Fund support 2021 2022 2023
Partner Collaboration Fund support KRW 100 million 9,734 9,942 10,359
First-tier suppliers KRW 100 million 6,590 6,997 6,953
Second-tier and third-tier suppliers KRW 100 million 3,144 2,945 3,406
Supplier incentives 2021 2022 2023
Supplier incentives KRW 100 million 893 931 650
Companies participating in supplier training 2021 2022 2023
Companies participating in supplier training5) Companies 911 1,381 1,739
First-tier suppliers Companies 520 865 1,114
Second-tier and third-tier suppliers Companies 391 516 625
Employees participating in supplier training 2021 2022 2023
Employees participating in supplier training5) Individuals 18,725 22,924 32,566
First-tier suppliers Individuals 17,423 20,722 30,417
Second-tier and third-tier suppliers Individuals 1,302 2,202 2,149
  1. Global number of suppliers: Sum of suppliers by country since 2023
  2. Percentage of evaluated suppliers: Annual comprehensive supplier evaluation - in 7 areas - applies to all suppliers, except for those registered for less than a year
  3. Percentage of suppliers with environmental management system (ISO 14001, etc.) certification: Fulfillment of ISO 14001 or equivalent is required as part of the Standard Supplier Contract
  4. Percentage of suppliers with health and safety system (ISO45001, etc.) certification: Includes 23 suppliers with SA8000 certification
  5. Companies/Employees participating in supplier training: Sum of Partner Collaboration Academy training cases between DX and DS Divisions, including overlap, updated since 2022 to account for DS Division Partner Collaboration Academy training progress

Transparency in responsible minerals sourcing management

Transparency in responsible minerals sourcing management 2021 2022 2023
On-site audits of suppliers1) Companies 493 438 315
  1. On-site audits of suppliers aimed at eradicating the use of conflict minerals

Innovation support for first-tier suppliers

Innovation support for first-tier suppliers 2021 2022 2023
Innovation support for first-tier suppliers1) Companies 30 66 91
Global Companies 0 5 3
Korea Companies 30 61 88
Supply-chain work environment management 2021 2022 2023
First-tier suppliers performing third-party audits Companies 108 121 93
  1. Sum of consulted DX Division suppliers and component equipment consulting supported DS Division suppliers

Supplier Third-Party Audit Compliance Rate by Area1)

Labor and human rights 2021 2022 2023 2023
First-tier Second-tier
Freely chosen employment2) % 98 98 99 100
Guarantee of freedom of movement % 99 100 99 100
Prohibition of child labor % 100 100 100 100
Protection of underage workers % 100 100 99 100
Working hours % 87 93 85 78
Guarantee of at least one day off per week % 97 97 96 95
Wages and benefits3) % 91 96 95 92
Humane treatment % 100 100 99 100
Non-discrimination4) % 100 100 100 100
Freedom of association5) % 99 98 99 100
Safety and Health 2021 2022 2023 2023
First-tier Second-tier
Occupational safety % 96 95 96 100
Emergency preparedness % 95 94 98 96
Occupational injury and illness % 99 98 99 100
Physically demanding work % 99 97 99 100
Machine safeguarding % 99 98 96 100
Sanitation, food, and housing % 99 99 99 100
Environment 2021 2022 2023 2023
First-tier Second-tier
Pollution prevention % 98 99 98 100
Hazardous substances % 99 96 98 100
Wastewater and solid waste % 100 98 99 100
Air emissions % 100 99 99 94
Materials restrictions % 100 100 100 100
Ethics 2021 2022 2023 2023
First-tier Second-tier
Corporate ethics % 98 100 98 100
Prohibition of ill-gotten gains % 98 100 100 100
Information disclosure % 100 100 100 100
Intellectual property % 100 99 100 100
Confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation % 100 100 100 100
Privacy protection % 99 100 100 100
Management System 2021 2022 2023 2023
First-tier Second-tier
Will of compliance % 100 98 100 100
Management responsibility % 100 95 99 100
Risk assessment % 97 92 100 100
Training % 100 98 99 100
Communication % 99 97 100 100
Employee feedback % 99 100 99 100
Remedial action % 98 95 97 92
Management of business improvement targets % 98 93 97 100
  1. Figure include the improvement implementation results based on each year’s third-party audit (performed on 102 suppliers* in 2023, and 121 suppliers in 2022)
    * Including 9 second-tier suppliers, 80 suppliers of DX division and 23 suppliers of DS division
  2. Freely chosen labor: Including prohibition of forced labor and establishment of relevant policies, labor contract-signing, guarantee of freedom of movement and prohibition of keeping the original copy of an employee’s identification document
  3. Wages and benefits: Including accurate calculation and payment of wages, provision of wage statements, prohibition of delay in the payment of wages, prohibition of unjust penalty imposition and compulsory payments such as social insurance contributions
  4. Non-discrimination: Including prohibition of discrimination based on gender and other personal traits to ensure access to equal opportunities and pay, establishment of non-discrimination policies and procedures, provision of spaces for religious gathering
  5. Freedom of association: Including guarantee of the right to establish and join labor unions, right to collective bargaining, freedom of assembly and association and prohibition of discrimination against labor union members

Empowering communities

Corporate citizenship

Employee volunteer hours 2021 2022 2023
Total employee volunteer hours1) Hours 824,329 1,068,867 652,677
Volunteer hours per employee Hours 3.04 3.95 2.44
Cumulative number of beneficiaries2) 2021 2022 2023
Samsung SW Academy for Youth Individuals 3,950 6,250 8,550
Samsung Dream Class Individuals 112,602 116,999 124,604
Samsung Smart School3) Individuals 5,917 5,917 5,917
Samsung Junior SW Academy Individuals 112,341 156,061 210,294
Samsung Stepping Stone of Hope Individuals 10,476 16,760 27,065
Samsung Blue Elephant Individuals 353,201 662,142 940,029
Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Individuals 2,146,951 2,397,255 2,619,592
Samsung Innovation Campus Individuals 74,984 119,807 177,619
  1. Total employee volunteer hours: Including employees at all of our business sites in Korea and other regions
  2. Korean youth education programs jointly operated by all Samsung Member companies
  3. Samsung Smart School : 2021 beneficiaries maintained until 2023

SME support

Beneficiaries of smart factory support 2021 2022 2023
Beneficiaries of smart factory support1) Companies 284 268 196
Partner companies in our supply chains Companies 24 35 26
Non-partner companies Companies 260 233 170
  1. Beneficiaries of smart factory support: 2022 figures corrected after publication of 2023 Sustainability Report due to business discontinuation of nine beneficiary companies

Compliance & ethics

Compliance and ethics

Compliance training 2021 2022 2023
Compliance training1) Individuals 141,723 126,867 138,742
Anti-corruption training 2021 2022 2023
Anti-corruption training2) Individuals 198,592 254,045 254,511
Compliance whistleblowing 2021 2022 2023
Compliance whistleblowing3) Cases 911 1,098 1,400
Corruption whistleblowing 2021 2022 2023
Corruption whistleblowing Cases 929 999 892
Corruption whistleblowing rate4) % 12 13 16
Consumer complaint rate % 30 34 36
Others % 58 54 49
  1. Scope of data collection for compliance training: Employees at our our business sites in Korea and other regions (including part-time employees)
  2. Scope of data collection for anti-corruption training: Employees at our business sites in Korea and other regions
  3. Compliance whistleblowing data: Based on statistics of our compliance microsite
  4. Corruption whistleblowing data: Based on statistics of our ethics microsite

Climate action

GHG emissions management (Scope 1, 2)

GHG emissions from business sites 2021 2022 2023
(Market based) GHG emissions1) 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 17,400 15,053 13,291
Direct emissions (Scope 1) 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 7,604 5,972 3,733
Indirect emissions (Scope 2)2) 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 9,796 9,081 9,558
(Region based) GHG emission 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 20,170 19,892 18,303
Direct emissions (Scope 1) 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 7,604 5,972 3,733
Indirect emissions (Scope 2) 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 12,566 13,920 14,570
GHG emissions intensity3) Tonnes CO₂e / KRW 100 million 6 5 6
GHG emission by source4)5) 2021 2022 2023
CO₂ 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 11,005 10,336 10,778
CH₄ 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 3 3 3
N₂O 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 489 530 540
HFCs 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 902 679 314
PFCs 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 4,787 3,333 1,533
SF₆ 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 214 173 124
  1. GHG emissions from business sites: Calculated based on country-specific GHG management guidelines, the IPCC Guidelines, and ISO 140642
  2. Indirect emissions (Scope 2) from business sites: Market based GHG emissions that reflect the use of renewable energy
  3. GHG emissions intensity: GHG emissions from business sites (Scopes 1 and 2) / Sales (sales of DX division (absolute value) + sales of DS division (absolute value), KRW 100 million)
  4. Emissions from business sites
  5. We are developing a method for calculating NF3 emissions and plan to disclose the emissions through our Sustainability Report 2025.

GHG emissions management (Scope 3)

Other indirect emissions (Scope 3)1) 20212) 2022 2023
Other indirect emissions (Scope 3) 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 124,715 119,730
Purchased products and services 1,000 tonnes CO₂e Scope 3 emissions calculated with new standards since 2022 14,596 12,880
Capital goods 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 1,508 2,663
Fuel- and energy-related activities 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 900 3,058
Upstream transportation and distribution 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 3,965 4,098
Waste generation and treatment 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 246 156
Business trips of employees 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 87 108
Commuting of employees 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 303 300
Rented assets 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 107 9
Downstream transportation and distribution 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 366 40
Processing of sold products 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 142 131
Use of sold products 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 101,236 94,776
Disposal of sold products 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 1,206 1,339
Leased assets 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 1 3
Franchise 1,000 tonnes CO₂e N/A N/A
Investment 1,000 tonnes CO₂e 52 169
  1. Other indirect emissions(Scope 3): The internal calculation standard of 14 categories has been set in 2022 and all the categories have been assured by the independent 3rd party. Data used for calculating suppliers' emissions - in the categories of Purchased goods & services, Capital goods, and Processing of sold products - are based on 2021.
  2. Scope 3 emissions and assured categories in 2021: 123,235,000 tonnes CO2e, sum of 12 categories (NOT including capital goods, processing of sold products, and franchises)

Energy management

Energy consumption at business sites 2021 2022 2023
Energy consumption at business sites GWh 32,322 35,177 36,399
Electricity GWh 25,767 28,316 29,956
Others1) GWh 6,555 6,861 6,443
Energy intensity2) MWh/KRW 100 million 12.4 12.5 15.4
Renewable energy consumption GWh 5,278 8,704 9,289
Renewable energy conversion rate GWh 20.5 30.7 31
  1. Others (Energy consumption at business sites): LNG
  2. Energy intensity: Energy consumption at business sites (MWh) / Sales (sales of DX division (absolute value) + sales of DSdivision absolute value), KRW 100 million)

Energy efficiency of products1)

Energy efficiency improvement rate 2021 2022 2023
Product energy consumption reduction rate % 13.3 16.4 25.1
  1. Product energy consumption reduction rate for each year relative to 2019 identical performance/specification models for 7 major product categories
    *Data for amount of GHG emissions reduced in the product use phase by year is being reviewed to refine its consistency with the GHG protocol

Circular economy

Resource efficiency of products

Plastic with recycled resin 2021 2022 2023
Cumulative use1) Tonnes 310,291 409,117 567,056
Amount used by year Tonnes 33,319 98,826 157,939
Percentage of Plastic with recycled resin used2) % 4.4 13.9 25
Recycled packaging 2021 2022 2023
Recycled packaging3) Tonnes 13,788 13,011 15,273
  1. Cumulative use from 2009
  2. Percentage of Plastic with recycled resin used: amount of plastic with recycled resin used / total amount of plastic used
  3. Recycled packaging: based on data collected in Korea

Collection and recycling of e-waste

Cumulative amount of e-waste collected 2021 20222) 2023
Amount of e-waste collected1) Tonnes 5,099,436 5,698,008 6,297,161
Amount of e-waste collected 2021 2022 2023
Amount of e-waste collected Tonnes 559,281 598,572 599,153
Asia and Oceania Tonnes 311,687 220,357 235,197
Americas Tonnes 46,584 45,842 54,014
Europe Tonnes 201,010 332,374 309,942
  1. Cumulative amount of e-waste collected from 2009
  2. 2022 figures updated(due to delay in data collection in some countries)

Amount of e-waste collected by year and product type1)

Amount of e-waste collected by year and product type 2021 2022 2023
Amount of e-waste collected by year and product type Tonnes 120,718 132,681 140,162
Heat exchanger Tonnes 75,463 75,879 89,754
Display Tonnes 9,249 10,644 12,840
Telecommunications service equipment Tonnes 3,292 1,930 2,155
Other electric and electronics equipment Tonnes 32,715 44,228 35,414
Amount of materials recovered for recycling2) 2021 2022 2023
Amount of materials recovered for recycling Tonnes 103,716 111,406 117,025
Scrap metal Tonnes 55,843 57,763 61,422
Nonferrous metal Tonnes 12,489 11,996 12,356
Synthetic resin Tonnes 28,354 33,157 35,752
Glass Tonnes 3,057 4,068 3,183
Others Tonnes 3,973 4,422 4,312
  1. Amount of e-waste collected by year and product type: Based on data collected in Korea
    *E-waste classification system changed in 2021 from the existing system of “large sized equipment, telecommunications service equipment, medium sized equipment, and small sized equipment”
  2. Amount of materials recovered for recycling: Based on data collected in Korea

Sustainable operation

Waste management

Amount of waste generated 2021 2022 2023
Amount of waste generated Tonnes 1,324,972 1,413,365 1,314,923
General waste Tonnes 903,753 931,929 881,175
Hazardous waste1) Tonnes 421,219 481,436 433,748
Amount of waste treated 2021 2022 2023
Amount of waste treated Tonnes 1,324,972 1,413,365 1,314,923
Amount of waste recovered for recycling Tonnes 1,268,985 1,364,367 1,276,662
Incineration (off-site) Tonnes 26,078 25,479 31,007
Landfill (off-site) Tonnes 19,480 14,927 4,622
Others Tonnes 10,430 8,593 2,632
Percentage of waste recovered for recycling 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of waste recovered for recycling % 96 97 97
  1. Hazardous waste: Based on monitoring standards of individual countries where our business sites are located

Water management

Water intake 2021 2022 2023
Water intake 1,000 tonnes 163,6601) 172,811 177,361
Municipal water (surface water) 1,000 tonnes 157,691 172,112 176,575
Groundwater 1,000 tonnes 5582) 698 786
Wastewater discharge 2021 2022 2023
Wastewater discharge 1,000 tonnes 130,955 136,118 142,995
Water reused 2021 2022 2023
Water reused 1,000 tonnes 93,949 116,590 122,891
Ultra-pure water reused 2021 2022 2023
Supply 1,000 tonnes 61,986 70,989 71,487
Recovery 1,000 tonnes 22,543 24,731 22,004
Suppliers’ water consumption3) 2021 2022 2023
Suppliers’ water consumption 1,000 tonnes 84,737 94,814 97,482
  1. 2021 data updated for error correction
  2. 2021 data updated for error correction
  3. Suppliers’ water consumption: Based on the water consumption for Samsung Electronics product manufacturing by the top 90% of suppliers in terms of transaction scale

Available Water Resources by Region

Water intake Total amount of intake Water intake from third-party sources
(local governments, water utility companies, etc.)
Direct intake
Surface water Groundwater Surface water Groundwater1)
2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
Korea 1,000 tonnes 130,958 139,527 130,664 139,210 - - - - 295 317
China 1,000 tonnes 18,733 16,386 18,733 16,386 - - - - - -
Europe 1,000 tonnes 365 256 329 243 - - - - 36 13
Russia 1,000 tonnes 56 19 56 17 - - - - - 2
Southeast Asia 1,000 tonnes 10,901 10,470 10,901 10,470 - - - - - -
Southwest Asia 1,000 tonnes 493 489 493 384 - - - - - 106
North America 1,000 tonnes 10,734 9,675 10,734 9,675 - - - - - -
Central and South America 1,000 tonnes 381 360 14 11 - - - - 367 349
Africa 1,000 tonnes 188 179 188 179 - - - - - -
Total 1,000 tonnes 172,811 177,361 172,113 176,575 - - - - 698 786
Water discharge Total amount of discharge Direct discharge into freshwater ecosystems Treatment and discharge
by thirdparty agencies
2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
Korea 1,000 tonnes 103,786 113,198 63,633 60,225 40,153 52,973
China 1,000 tonnes 15,324 13,309 - - 15,324 13,309
Europe 1,000 tonnes 224 171 - - 224 171
Russia 1,000 tonnes 30 17 - - 30 17
Southeast Asia 1,000 tonnes 8,541 8,448 213 230 8,328 8,218
Southwest Asia 1,000 tonnes 35 178 - - 35 178
North America 1,000 tonnes 7,894 7,364 - - 7,894 7,364
Central and South America 1,000 tonnes 115 158 96 140 19 18
Africa 1,000 tonnes 169 152 - - 169 152
Total 1,000 tonnes 136,118 142,995 63,942 60,595 72,176 82,400
Region Amount of water used Amount of water reused Basins
2022 2023 2022 2023
Korea 1,000 tonnes 27,171 26,318 86,331 94,231 4 including the Han River
China 1,000 tonnes 3,409 3,076 22,917 21,537 3 including the Huang He River
Europe 1,000 tonnes 142 85 - - 2 including the Danube River
Russia 1,000 tonnes 26 2 23 18 The Volga River
Southeast Asia 1,000 tonnes 2,361 2,022 2,555 2,763 4 including the Hong River
Southwest Asia 1,000 tonnes 458 311 199 243 2 including the Ganges River
North America 1,000 tonnes 2,840 2,312 4,557 4,093 4 including the Lower Colorado River
Central and South America 1,000 tonnes 267 202 8 7 2 including the Amazon River
Africa 1,000 tonnes 19 27 - - 2 including the Nile River
Total 1,000 tonnes 36,691 34,356 116,590 122,891
  1. Groundwater values includes rainwater

Workplace environment management

Workplace environment management 2021 2022 2023
Investment in EHS KRW 100 million 13,997 21,836 20,284
Violations of environment-related laws and regulations Cases 0 2 11)
  1. On 9 February 2023, the Gwangju District Court issued a summary order on Samsung Electronics and 5 Samsung Electronics employees for violating Section 10, Article 1 of the former Industrial Safety and Health Act and Section 57, Article 1 of the amended Industrial Safety and Health Act. Samsung Electronics and our employees did not request an official trial and the summary order in question was finalized with fines of KRW 15 million for Samsung Electronics and KRW 2 million for each of the 5 employees.
    For the status of sanctions related to environmental regulation violations by the company, please refer to the Business (Semi-Annual) Report.

※ On 18 June 2021, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) issued a Notice of Corrective Action regarding a failure to report on wafer shredding equipment at the Samsung Austin Semiconductor LLC. (SAS) subsidiary of Samsung Electronics' DS Division. On 10 June 2022, the TCEQ issued a Notice of Corrective Action regarding the wastewater spill at SAS. TCEQ issued a fine of 93K USD to SAS on 8 March 2024, taking into account that SAS independently obtained environmental certification and performed internal management actions for the wafer shredding equipment while actively carrying out remediation activities to address the wastewater spillage as soon as SAS became aware of the incident. SAS developed and deployed preventive measures (pre-evaluation systems, development of monitoring, control systems).

Pollutant management1)

Air pollutant emissions 2021 2022 2023
NOx Tonnes 717 785 720
SOx Tonnes 19 35 43
NH₃ Tonnes 68 95 125
HF Tonnes 22 19 16
PM2) Tonnes 163 207 142
Volatile organic compound emissions 2021 2022 2023
Volatile organic compound emissions Tonnes 314 394 398
Water pollutant discharge 2021 2022 2023
TOC(Korea)3) Tonnes - - 2943)
COD(Global) Tonnes 906 846 5343)
BOD Tonnes 266 313 412
SS Tonnes 393 411 931
F Tonnes 520 576 626
Heavy metals Tonnes 13 16 17
Consumption of ozone depleting substances (CFC-11 eq)4) 2021 2022 2023
Consumption of ozone depleting substances (CFC-11 eq) Tonnes 1 2 1
  1. To mitigate air pollutant emissions, we are pushing ahead with the introduction of a NOx reduction system, implementation of a catalytic oxidation process, and installation of electric dust collection facilities. In accordance with the Montreal Protocol, all of our business sites are gradually replacing the refrigerants for freezers and air conditioners with alternatives with less ozone depletion potential (ODP). We are also working to remove water pollutants through our optimized wastewater treatment facilities prior to wastewater discharge.
  2. Previous dust emissions disclosure standards changed
  3. Apply data separately into TOC (Korea) and COD (Global) starting from 2023
  4. Scope of data collection: Korea

Chemical Substance Management1)

2021 2022 2023
Chemical substance management2) 1,000 tonnes 520 578 518
Major hazardous substances leakages Cases 0 0 0
  1. Scope of data collection: Korea
  2. Chemicals consumption: Based on the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) from 2018

Performance by division


GHG emissions management (Scope 1,2) 2021 2022 2023
DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division
(Market based) GHG emissions1) 1,000 tonnes CO2e 1,790 15,610 366 14,687 313 12,978
Direct emissions (Scope1) 1,000 tonnes CO2e 263 7,341 254 5,718 211 3,522
Indirect emissions (Scope2)2) 1,000 tonnes CO2e 1,527 8,269 112 8,969 102 9,456
Other indirect emissions (Scope3) 2021 2022 2023
DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division
Other indirect emissions (Scope3) 1,000 tonnes CO2e 109,951 109,951 14,764 101,639 18,091
Energy consumption at business sites 2021 2022 2023
DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division
Energy consumption at business sites GWh 4,396 27,926 4,324 30,850 4,015 32,384
Electricity GWh 3,143 22,624 3,067 25,249 2,914 27,042
Others3) GWh 1,253 5,302 1,257 5,601 1,101 5,342
Renewable energy consumption 2021 2022 2023
DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division
Renewable energy consumption GWh 556 4,722 2,856 5,849 2,720 6,569
Transition to renewable energy % 17.7 20.9 93.1 23.2 93.4 24.3
Waste management 2021 2022 2023
DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division
Amount of waste generated Tonnes 348,459 976,513 329,861 1,083,504 307,325 1,007,598
General waste Tonnes 290,841 612,912 274,126 657,803 254,748 626,427
Hazardous waste4) Tonnes 57,618 363,601 55,735 425,701 52,577 381,171
Water management 2021 2022 2023
DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division
Water intake 1,000 tonnes 19,391 144,269 18,823 153,988 17,270 160,090
Municipal water (surface water) 1,000 tonnes 13,422 144,269 18,124 153,988 16,485 160,090
Groundwater 1,000 tonnes 558 698 786
Chemical substance managemen5) 2021 2022 2023
DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division DX Division DS Division
Chemical substance use6) 1,000 tonnes 6 514 6 572 6 512
  1. GHG emissions from business sites: Calculated based on country-specific GHG management guidelines, the IPCC Guidelines, and ISO 140642.
    *Location based GHG emissions not included in renewable energy usage : 17,571,000 tonnes CO₂e(2020), 20,170,000 tonnes CO₂e(2021), 19,892,000 tonnes CO₂e(2022)
  2. Indirect emissions(Scope 2) from business sites: Market based GHG emissions that reflect the use of renewable energy
  3. Others (Energy consumption at business sites): LNG
  4. Hazardous waste: Based on monitoring standards of individual countries where our business sites are located
  5. Scope of data collection: Korea
  6. Chemicals consumption: Based on the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register(E-PRTR) from 2018

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