Food & Home

3 Hosting Tips to Alleviate Holiday Stress

Enjoy the holiday season without a worry.

The holidays are a time of celebration with family and friends. However, studies show 38% suffer increased stress throughout the season.* With a long to-do list during this season, the last thing you want to think about is hosting your own celebration at home.

This task alone has so many things to juggle that you’ll need all the help you can get. From refrigerators to ovens to dishwasher, these appliances are designed to do just that.

Keep cool

When you’ve got a crowded kitchen, using all the space available to you is important. Luckily, Samsung BESPOKE refrigerators are not only customizable to your style, but also designed with space economy in mind.
For instance, BESPOKE allows you to convert freezer space into a fridge at the touch of a button, meaning you can use the space however you’d like.

And it’s not just about storage. The high-performance features of BESPOKE refrigerators keep your food and beverages superbly cool and fresh.

Get cooking

Perhaps the most stressful part of hosting is deciding what to cook. With many people to accommodate, it’s another thing you don’t want to spend too much time with. Our Samsung Microwave ovens provide a variety of features designed to make cooking and hosting much smoother.

Samsung Microwave Ovens have you covered if you crave for a taste of traditional home cooking. With a wide variety of pre-programmed local recipes, you can create your favourite local dish with the simple touch of a button, saving time on preparing meals.

A perfect finish from beginning to end

You’ve finished hosting, what’s next? When you’ve catered for so many, cleaning up is no easy feat. With the push of a button, you can put your feet up knowing you’ll never have to put on a pair of rubber gloves.

You won’t need to worry about cramming in oversized plates either, as the Flexible Interior Space allows you to wash more in a single cycle. Express Wash on Samsung dishwasher makes washing smaller loads of cups and cutlery an absolute breeze in a relatively short time with far less energy consumption.

Ready to get started?

Keep calm and host your holiday event in style.

* 2006, American Psychological Association.

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