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Non-US Product
Warranty service may be limited to the country where the product was first sold. Please check with Samsung to determine if service is available locally for products purchased in another country.
- You may be charged a repair cost and the repair time can be longer than usual.
- Detailed cost & estimated repair time can be confirmed at a Samsung Authorized Service Center.
Foreign Product Repair (Smartphones, Tablets, Wearable Devices)
Samsung limits service for smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices to the country where the product was first sold.
However, if you need service for a Samsung smartphone, tablet, or wearable device purchased in a country other than the country in which you intend to have your device repaired
(or if you need service for a Samsung smartphone, tablet, or wearable device),
you can contact a Samsung authorized service center where you are located to check whether it can be repaired at such service center.
- The limited warranty period of 1 year will apply, regardless of the warranty period of the country where the product was first sold.
- Repair may take longer due to procuring some parts, or service may unavoidably only be available in the country of initial sale.
- Repair may incur costs if the warranty does not apply or has expired, and repair costs may differ from those in the country where the product was first sold.
- Returns and refunds are only available from the country where the product was first sold.
- Service is not provided outside the country where the product was first sold for accessory products such as battery packs, charging pads, and cases.
Which models have limited international warranty service support?
How can I begin the warranty repair process?
How do I validate my warranty?
How can I check the status or start a claim on my Samsung Care Plus warranty?
How do I file a claim for an extended warranty bought from a third-party retailer?
How can I find the model number for my product?
How to find model code
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