Wash baby bottles in a Samsung dishwasher

Baby bottles on a Wash stand with Samsung Dishwasher in the background

Taking care of a baby is A LOT of work, so don’t be ashamed to sometimes do things the easy way and clean your baby’s bottles in the dishwasher! Once you’ve determined that the bottles are dishwasher safe, there a few precautions you’ll need to take to make everything go smoothly. However, washing baby bottles isn’t too different from washing other items. It just takes an extra bit of care.

Important: Talk to your pediatrician if you have any questions about bottle care. Some may recommend sterilizing baby bottles or other cleaning methods.

Machine wash your baby bottles

Important: Check if the baby bottles are dishwasher safe. If it doesn’t say on the bottom of the bottle, check the bottles’ packaging (if you still have it) or the manufacturer’s website for more details. However, if you’re not sure, it’s better to hand wash the bottles using dish soap. You can see the next section for instructions on hand washing baby bottles.

Did your baby just finish their lunch? Then let's get that bottle washed and ready for the next meal. Washing glass vs plastic baby bottles is more or less the same, although glass tends to be more durable and will survive more dishwasher cycles over time.

  1. After you've made sure the bottles are dishwasher safe, separate the bottle parts, such as the main body and the cap. Then, rinse the bottles and their parts under running water.

    Bottles separated and rinsed with running water
  2. Place the bottles and their parts on the top rack of the dishwasher, so they are not close to the heat source. Face the bottles downward to help prevent bacteria growth. The caps, however, should face upward.

  3. Make sure to secure the bottles and parts to prevent them from falling over and getting damaged. We recommend using a dishwasher basket designed for baby bottle parts. It will secure the little pieces and help you place the different parts in the correct position.

  4. Before you pour or insert dishwasher detergent, be sure you are using a gentle product that is safe for babies.

  5. When you’re ready, choose your desired cycle. We recommend using a hot water cycle because it will kill more germs and bacteria.

    Note: The caps are usually more sensitive to heat than the main body of the bottle. If you’re worried a hot water cycle will be too hot, it may be better to remove the caps and hand wash them.

    Hi-Temp selected on Samsung Dishwasher
  6. Begin the dishwasher by pressing START. For specific instructions on using your Samsung dishwasher, check out your model’s user manual.

  7. Once the cycle ends, take out the bottles and their parts, and place them on a baby bottle drying rack if they are still wet. Let the bottles air dry; don’t wipe them with clothes or paper towels. This could transfer germs.

    Baby bottles on a drying rack
  8. After the bottles have air-dried, store them somewhere that’s protected from dust and dirt.

Hand wash your baby bottles

If your baby bottles are not dishwasher safe or if you’re not sure and just want to play it safe, hand washing bottles only takes a few minutes.

  1. First things first, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands. You don’t want to accidentally get germs on the bottle while you’re cleaning it!

  2. Separate the bottle parts, such as the main body and the cap, and rinse them with warm water.

  3. Next, pour hot water in a clean bucket or large container - make sure it's clean as well!

    Woman pouring hot water in a container
  4. Add a gentle dishwashing soap, such as Dawn, to the water and swish it around until it’s full of suds.

  5. Place the bottles and their parts into the container of soapy water.

  6. Use a bottle cleaner brush or another instrument to scrub away any grime or debris.

    Woman brushing the inside of a baby bottle
  7. Once everything is clean, place the items on a baby bottle drying rack if they are still wet. Let the bottles air dry; don’t wipe them with clothes or paper towels. This could transfer germs.

  8. After the bottles have air-dried, store them somewhere that’s protected from dust and dirt.

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