Unfolding the Future


Bend the rules with LASALLE

The Galaxy Z Flip is Samsung’s invitation to Bend the rules. This invitation was extended to the Honours class of Product Design students at LASALLE College with a challenge to reimagine, reinterpret and invent five stylish housing designs for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip.

The students drew inspiration from the likes of Beyoncé and Star Wars, bearing in mind that the fashion forwards need more than just a style statement. Creativity was key to their designs but it had to be couched in comfort and considerations such as being water resistant, accessibility and other key features of the Galaxy Z Flip.
The next generation of disruptors conceptualised, fabricated and showcased the Galaxy Z Flip in all its glory – as a technological breakthrough that feels right as home in any fashion runway. The competition was intense and we’d admit, we had our favourite. Have a quick once over and see what is yours?
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