Unfolding the Future


Why digital security is more important than ever

With faster networks (5G), machine learning, intuitive devices and our reluctance to disconnect, Technology dominates our lives. Are we talking Terminator-Skynet stuff? Not quite yet. But it doesn’t hurt to review your digital footprint from time to time.
They’re watching us – always.

Ever wondered how your browsing history (like that limited-edition sneaker) seems to follow you around the web? Or worse, a brand or label you mentioned within earshot of your device suddenly pops up as a digital banner or promotional offer? It’s no coincidence. Your internet searches are not private and, more often than not, are up for sale. If you value your privacy, stop ‘checking into’ places (e.g. food photos, boarding passes, concert tickets are an ego boost but also reveal your movements/life patterns), clear your cache and cookies regularly, browse incognito and in extreme instances, use a virtual private network (VPN). Remember, what you share of yourself online is what unsavoury individuals get to work with against you. Being understated isn’t just cooler, it’s safer too.

A ‘phish-y’ tale

Getting emails from Nigerian royalty promising riches has gone from being ‘exclusive’ to becoming a parody and yet, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reports that US$1.2 billion is lost through phishing scams every year (making the Nigerian royalty even richer). While service providers do their bit to filter suspicious emails (e.g. Gmail will verify Brand emails soon), plenty of phishing emails still slip through the cracks. Be sure to read all your mails, starting with the sender’s address followed by the subject line before clicking on any links or opening any attachments. Unless, of course, you are directly related to Nigerian royalty.

The search goes wrong

As long as you’ve used the Internet, consider yourself on the grid. Your usage and search history becomes data that are stored in a cloud somewhere. Now imagine if someone can use your search history from eons ago to paint a particular picture of yourself for whatever reason? It is possible. Hackers need just three verified pieces of information (e.g. your birth date, postal code, IP address) to set any grey activity into motion. So avoid accessing critical information over public networks, never leave your device unattended and check on what permissions you have given to which app regularly. Send hackers around in circles.

The internet never forgets

Anything and everything that you’ve said (even in jest), every photo you’ve been tagged to, every article or file with your name on it will forever be accessible on the Internet. Even ‘deleted files’ can be restored easily. Remember your digital security is in your own hands first before you leverage the privacy and protection of systems like Samsung Knox.

Want to know how you can maximise your digital security? Read on.