Unfolding the Future


Energy-efficient memory technology, the way of the future

Did you know that a single Google search uses the same amount of energy needed to light a standard LED light bulb? 1

That may not sound like a lot but just think how often you search the web in a day, in a week and in a year. Then, multiply that number by the world’s population.

Many of us take the environmental impact of technology for granted because the digital cloud is ‘invisible’. But the energy spent on searching for and collecting data on a daily basis is astounding.
Streaming a one-hour episode online uses the same amount of energy (most of which are non-renewable) to power a light bulb for over five days. Using IT-related services accounts for as much carbon dioxide (CO₂) as the entire airline industry according to a report by Greenpeace.2 That is a shocking piece of statistic that most of us are unaware of. And our planet bears the brunt of the effects of this ignorance.
It is estimated that by 2025, 163 zettabytes (ZB) of data would be generated worldwide. To give context: 1ZB is equivalent to a trillion gigabytes (GB). As we continue our advancements in 5G, AI and 8K technologies, this would result in an unimaginable amount of data generated on a daily basis — and storing and maintaining that data requires a massive amount of electricity and energy as well.

As a global IT leader, Samsung is committed to reducing our carbon footprint. Initiatives such as the ‘Green Memory Campaign’ have helped us launch data storage solutions that are more energy efficient. The ultimate goal is to produce energy-efficient products and in turn empower all users to contribute to saving our planet

1 https://business.directenergy.com/blog/2017/november/powering-a-google-search
2 https://time.com/46777/your-data-is-dirty-the-carbon-price-of-cloud-computing/