How to set BONUSVIEW function on Samsung Blu-ray Player?

Last Update date : Aug 03. 2022

The BONUSVIEW feature allows you to view additional content (such as commentaries) in a small screen window while the movie is playing.

Using the BONUSVIEW button (BD-ROM)

1 If the current Blu-ray Disc features the BONUSVIEW function, you can use the BONUSVIEW button to turn BONUSVIEW On or Off
Use the BONUSVIEW button to turn BONUSVIEW On or Off
2 Each time BONUSVIEW button is pressed, you can toggle between BONUSVIEW On and BONUSVIEW Off
Toggle between BONUSVIEW On and BONUSVIEW Off

Please note:

• You can change detailed settings of the BONUSVIEW feature in the INFO menu
• If you switch from BONUSVIEW Video, BONUSVIEW Audio will change automatically in accordance with BONUSVIEW Video
• If the Blu-ray Disc supports only BONUSVIEW Audio, you can just press the BONUSVIEW button to turn the secondary audio on or off

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