How to Dock and Empty Bin for Jet Bot+ with SmartThings

Last Update date : Jul 14. 2022

Due to changes in your schedule or activities at home, you may sometimes need to stop your Jet Bot+ midway through its cleaning session. This can be done easily with SmartThings.  With the SmartThings app, you can send your Jet Bot+ back to the Clean Station and also instruct it to empty its bin.

Step-by-step video

View this step-by-step video below on how to dock and empty the Jet Bot+ bin with SmartThings:

Jet Bot Dock and Empty Bin with SmartThings Jet Bot Dock and Empty Bin with SmartThings

Jet Bot+ Clean Station

You may also visit "How to Clean Jet Bot+ Clean Station Filter and Dust Bag" to find out how you can clean your Clean Station.

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