How often to change the water filter for Samsung fridges?
The water filter needs to be changed when the Filter Indicator light turns red (see the picture of the control panel below). Usually this happens about every 6 months.
• Blue: Initial insertion of the water filter
• Purple: When the water filter is used for 5 months
• Red: When the water filter is used for 6 months

Filter Indicator and Ice Type Filter Change of Samsung Refrigerator
To change the filter, press the Ice Type / Filter Change button for 3 seconds to reset the filter schedule and follow these steps:

Removing the water filter from the case filter

Keep the filter cartridge horizontal to minimize water leakage
Shut off the water supply valve if the water pressure is too great. The locked symbol should be lined up with the indicator line

Removing the water filter from the case filter

Keep the filter cartridge horizontal to minimize water leakage
For more information check the installation guide that came with the refrigerator. Online copies of the user manual and other documents can be downloaded by following these steps:

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