What is synchronization in New PC Studio?

Last Update date : Nov 19. 2020

The Sync feature allows you to make contacts and events data in New PC Studio consistent with those in your Mobile Device.

Adding phone numbers to New PC Studio and synchronizing them

1 You run the phonebook application in New PC Studio and created contacts
2 Connect your Mobile Device to New PC Studio and press the Sync button

Changing a contact in your Mobile Device

1 You need to change the contact information in your Mobile Device if contact detail has changed
2 Connect your Mobile Device to New PC Studio and press the Sync button

Delete a contact from your Mobile Device

1 Delete a contact from your Mobile Device
2 Connect your Mobile Device to New PC Studio and press the Sync button

Please note:
• The Sync feature allows you to manage the phonebooks in New PC Studio and your Mobile Device in a consolidation, as you add, change or delete a contact in either New PC Studio or your Mobile Device; data in the two phonebooks will be synchronized and become identical

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