Cannot play full screen content on Samsung Odyssey OLED G8 Gaming Monitor

Last Update date : Mar 25. 2023
Samsung Odyssey OLED G8 Gaming monitor

If you are watching a 21:9 video from an OTT (Over-the-Top) app and it does not display in full screen on your 2022 Samsung Odyssey OLED G8 Gaming Monitor, try using the monitor's Zoom to Fill function.

Enable Zoom to Fill

Some OTT (Over-the-Top) apps may display 21:9 aspect ratio videos within a black frame instead of filling the entire 21:9 screen. To view the video in full screen, you can enable the Zoom to Fill function on your monitor.

1 To turn on Zoom to Fill, navigate to and select Settings, and then select All Settings.
2 Select Picture, and then select Zoom to Fill.

Note: You can also select Settings, and then navigate to and select Zoom to Fill in the Quick Settings menu.

Zoom to Fill Off highlighted in the Quick Settings menu
3 Zoom to Fill is turned off by default. Select either Zoom 1 or Zoom 2, depending on your preference.
Zoom 2 highlighted in the Zoom to Fill menu

For 21:9 content, Zoom 1 will magnify slightly and Zoom 2 will fill the screen completely.

Three Samsung monitor screens comparing Off, Zoom 1 and Zoom 2 for the Zoom to Fill feature

The image may be cropped when Zoom to Fill is applied to 16:9 content. This is because the function is applied to the entire screen. When you exit the app after using Zoom to Fill, the feature will reset. It does not affect other apps.

Note: This is only available with OTT (Over-the-Top) apps that allow the Zoom to Fill function. Depending on the app's service provider policy, the Zoom to Fill function may or may not be supported. If it is not supported, the Zoom to Fill function will be disabled.

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