Life Hacks

2021 New Year’s Revelation:
You’re Fine As Is

Looking for things to change about yourself is so 2020. Instead, double down on what you’re already nailing.

A woman in a blue-gray blazer stands with her head tilted toward a blue sky with white puffy clouds. Her eyes are closed and she looks to be inhaling deeply. A woman in a blue-gray blazer stands with her head tilted toward a blue sky with white puffy clouds. Her eyes are closed and she looks to be inhaling deeply.

As we close the book on 2020, we can all agree that getting through it in one piece was an accomplishment all on its own. Instead of starting off 2021 looking for things that are wrong with ourselves, let’s flip the resolution script, focus on our strengths and find ways to level them up in this new year.

A woman in glasses lays on her stomach on her couch with her head up, tea mug in hand and a journal open in front of her. She is smiling. A woman in glasses lays on her stomach on her couch with her head up, tea mug in hand and a journal open in front of her. She is smiling.

Forget resolutions and start making revelations

At their most basic, New Year’s resolutions are about behavior change, and lasting, significant behavior change doesn’t happen just because a clock strikes midnight. Resolutions are goals, which are easy to fail at and lose track of. The moment you fall short of a resolution, you’ve failed.

This year, we’re swapping out New Year’s resolutions for New Year’s revelations. Instead of saying, “Here’s something I don’t do that I should be doing,” we could say, “Here’s something I got better at last year, and here’s how I want to keep doing that even more.”

Revelations are habits—the things you do day in and day out. They’re easy to stick to, and if you miss one day, easy to pick back up.

Let’s look at some common New Year’s resolutions to see how they can be turned into New Year’s revelations.

A woman in workout attire sprints up an incline. We see her from the side. A bright blue sky with big fluffy clouds is behind her. A woman in workout attire sprints up an incline. We see her from the side. A bright blue sky with big fluffy clouds is behind her.
Three-quarter view of Galaxy Watch3 in Mystic Black with its watch band secured behind it. Three-quarter view of Galaxy Watch3 in Mystic Black with its watch band secured behind it.
Galaxy Watch3
Track steps, miles and flights of stairs, and have it all sync with your Samsung Health app.
Get in shape

Who hasn’t resolved to “get in shape” in the new year? Fitness is one of the most popular resolutions, and consequently one of the most lamented. The first time you indulge in a bagel or skip a day of running—and at some point over 12 months, you’re going to—you’ve “failed” to meet your resolution.

The New Year’s revelation version of “get in shape” would look at a healthy habit you started in 2020, and find a way to grow that habit in 2021. For example, “I started running in 2020, and in 2021 I want to use my Galaxy Watch3 and Samsung Health app to track my running so I can maintain and build on that habit.”

The difference: You’ve identified a habit you’ve already started and found a way to build on it, as opposed to identifying an activity you haven’t started yet and finding ways to beat yourself up for not adopting it.

A woman sits on a couch with a tablet on the table in front of her. She is writing in a notebook while holding a piece of paper in her other hand. A woman sits on a couch with a tablet on the table in front of her. She is writing in a notebook while holding a piece of paper in her other hand.
Spend smarter

A resolution that's almost as common as getting in physical shape is vowing to boost your financial fitness. For example, “I want to learn how to budget and stick to it in the new year.” This goal is easy to fail at. Everyone spends a little extra now and then, whether it’s a coffee on the way to work or some retail therapy after a rough week, and that’s OK. Expecting to stick to a budget with no preparation is unrealistic and sets yourself up for disappointment.

The revelation version of this goal would be: “I got a much better idea of how I spend my money in 2020, and I want to start tracking my spending in 2021.” By identifying a financially healthy habit you naturally developed in the previous year and simply tracking it, you’re creating a record of success (the tracked expenses), and the desire to keep it going will be positive reinforcement of your habit. What’s more, you can’t start a budget without knowing your own spending habits (for better or worse) first.

How can you maintain this habit? Samsung Notes sync across your devices and even with productivity apps on your desktop. Keep track of your spending in the app, then enter it all into a budget spreadsheet when you get home.

A man seated at a desk seen from the side. A Galaxy Tab S7 is open on the desk, he has Galaxy Buds Live in his ears and a blue sweater over his shoulders. Artwork hangs in the background. A man seated at a desk seen from the side. A Galaxy Tab S7 is open on the desk, he has Galaxy Buds Live in his ears and a blue sweater over his shoulders. Artwork hangs in the background.
Front facing Galaxy Tab S7 screen showing a group of friends having a video chat. Front facing Galaxy Tab S7 screen showing a group of friends having a video chat.
Galaxy Tab S7/ S7+ 5G
Hosting weekly video chats requires an 11-inch edge-to-edge display big enough to see all your friends’ smiling faces.
Connect with friends

“I want to spend more time connecting with friends and family” is a relationship resolution that’s usually made, but every time you have an interaction with a friend that doesn’t feel deep and meaningful (not all of them are, and that’s OK), you’ve “failed.” That’s too much pressure to put on you and your friends!

Rather than turning your friend group into a to-do list, try this: “My friends and I video chatted a bunch in 2020, and I want to keep doing that even after we stop staying home so much.” You could schedule a regular, recurring video chat with friends, or plan virtual game nights with casual social games you can play online with each other.

By focusing on an easy, fun date to get together with friends instead of viewing your friendships as yet another thing to check off a list, you’ll look forward to time spent fulfilling this revelation.

A man takes a picture of a sunset. We see him aiming up the shot from over his right shoulder. A man takes a picture of a sunset. We see him aiming up the shot from over his right shoulder.
Work on a hobby

Finally, many people resolve to take up a new hobby, like “I want to get better at photography.” Again, while worthy, this is an ambitious goal that can feel daunting. Turn it into a more manageable revelation instead: “I took some great shots on my neighborhood walks during 2020, and I want to get better at urban photography.” Now you’re not trying to learn a whole new hobby, you’re taking something you already enjoy doing and learning a new way to do it.

You could stick to this habit by starting an Instagram page dedicated solely to architectural photography to show off for your friends. Rather than trying to learn a whole new hobby, you’re improving on something fun you’re already interested in and turning it into something that can earn you social cred.

Resolve to revel in yourself

Hey, listen: you’re already doing great. When you’re ready to focus on things you like about yourself and find ways to improve upon them, be sure to get the tech you need to stay with it—and tell us what New Year’s revelations you’re making on social #withGalaxy.

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