함께가요 미래로! Enabling People


스마트 스쿨

IT 기술을 활용한 스마트 교육 환경을 조성하여 학생들의 창의성을 발현하고 디지털 격차를 해소하는데 집중하고 있습니다.

The sun shines on everyone and everything. It shines on the windows of the bus in the downtown of Johnnesburg, skyscrapers within the city and even all the little leaves in Phomolong. The sun truly illuminates us all equally. However, this small and quiet village of Phomolong used to be my entire world. Now, as an adult, I commute from Phomolong to the city. It takes me only an hour to travel back and forth between those two completely diffrent worlds. But children in Phomolong think that the city is infinitely distant, like the universe. What are you looking at? I thought there would see something different. Oh, so by climbing up a tree thought you see a wider world? How did you know? Because I thought so too. Please, come down. I had a big dream but had no idea what it was or how I could turn it into reality. I just had a vague idea for an unknown wider world. where is this place? This is a power plant for a dream. You're right. The little girl over there is me. People around world at this very moment are looking at me as a high school girl. Yes, the internet connects the past, the present and also the future. I learned how to use a computer and the internet here for the first time. And this little computer monitor opened a new world for me. It helped me realize what I wanted to achieve and become. Then when I went to university, I realized that I excelled at computing. My job is to interact with people locally and around the world. I learned how to do that here and also acquired the necessary skills at this school. Do you want to come sit here? You can also find what you were looking for on that tree, in this place. Samsung's solar-powered internet school showed me what is beyond my horizons and offered me with the chance to become a part of that world. This miraculous experience has always been sustaining me until today. Whether you're young or old, tall or short, and live in the city or countryside, the sun shines on all of us equally. Just like the sun I hope children in Phomolong will have equal opportunities in education. I sincerely hope they dream and make their dreams come true in the wider world. Just as I.

2018년까지 삼성전자는 280만명 이상의
학생과 선생님을 지원하였습니다.


스마트 스쿨은 디지털 기기를 활용하여 교사와 학생들이 실시간으로 소통하며 수업하는 참여형 교육 프로그램으로 보다 많은 학생들이 IT 환경에서 동등한 교육 기회를 제공받고 창의적인 인재로 성장할 수 있도록 지원합니다.


스마트 스쿨 프로그램

스마트 기기, 콘텐츠와 솔루션, 교사 교육. 참여 학습, 자기주도 학습, 창의적 학습.
  • 참여형 수업

    개별 태블릿 또는 PC화면의 실시간 공유와 원격 모니터링을 통해 교사와 학생 간의 자유로운 의견 교환이 이루어 집니다.

  • 협동활동

    태블릿을 통해 조별 활동, 그룹과제, 그룹 토론방등을 쉽게 활성화할 수 있으며 사회에서 필요한 협동심을 길러줍니다.

  • 동기부여형 교육환경

    교사는 퀴즈 및 투표 형태로 학생의 수업 이해도와 성과를 수시 점검하며 필요 시 개인 학습을 제공합니다.

  • 디지털 학습자료

    태블릿에서 강좌 별 커리큘럼, 교재와 각종 보충자료(문서, 사진, 음성녹음, 영상, 어플리케이션, URL 등)를 학생들이 언제 어디서나 직접 받아 볼 수 있어 학습능률을 높일 수 있습니다.

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