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Promo mechanics

1. The promo event will run from August 5 to October 24, 2022.
2. Promo is open for all participants with age 18 years old and above, currently residing in or is a citizen of the Philippines. Employees of Samsung Electronics Philippines Corporation and its advertising agency partners are not eligible to join the contest as well as their relatives up to 2nd party of consanguinity or affinity.
3. In order for the participant’s video to successfully counted and valid for this contest, it should meet all of the criteria below:
Participants must produce and submit a video that talks about their Unstoppable Story that answer the following questions:
i. Personal barrier – What personal barrier are you currently facing or wanting to defy?
ii. Defying barrier – What have you been doing to defy your barrier?
iii. Samsung integration – How can Samsung help you overcome this barrier?
Include a caption of their story and use the official hashtags #Unstoppable and tag @SamsungPH.
Content should be posted on their social media page (TikTok, Facebook, and/or Instagram).
Their social media pages should be set in public.


1. Each participant is required to fill up the following details:
a. First name
b. Last name
c. Email address
d. Home address
e. Contact number
f. Birthday
g. Facebook/Instagram/TikTok user ID – for reference
h. Facebook/Instagram/TikTok post shared URL – for reference
i. Video caption – actual caption used in posting the video
j. File upload – video must not exceed 40MB
i. All fields are required to be filled in, in order to submit the entry.
ii. Only entries registered through our website will be considered for this promotion.
iii. Only videos posted within the promo duration date will be honored for this promotion.
k. File upload – Screenshot image of their video posted in their social media account.
2. Participants can have multiple entries as long as they register each, unique entry on our website.
3. By officially registering their entry on the Samsung website, the participant also gives their consent that their video/s can be used for marketing purposes for this promo. This includes but not limited to using clips of the videos or screenshots of their entries for marketing materials for this promo.
4. Registration and screening schedule are as follows:
a. Registration of entries: August 5 to October 24, 2022
b. Screening Schedule: October 28, 2022 (A DTI Representative will be invited to witness the screening)
Criteria for judging:
1. 50% Story Impact
Strength and quality of the contestant’s personal #Unstoppable story
2. 30% Creativity/Shot Composition
How interesting and engaging video submission is
3. 20% Product Integration
Relevance of Samsung in their #Unstoppable story
c. Announcement of Winner: November 4, 2022
d. Prizes to be given away:
1st prize - Galaxy Z Fold4 - SRP: ₱98,990
2nd prize - Galaxy Z Flip4 - SRP: ₱62,990
3rd prize - Galaxy Watch5 Pro 45mm - SRP: ₱26,990
* First 100 registrants will receive a ₱100 vouchers that can be used to purchase via
e. Awarding of Prizes: November 7, 2022 onwards
5. Customers can only win once.
6. Promo offers are not applicable to B2B or institutional transactions.
7. Participants can register as many videos as they can during the contest period.
8. Participants can use a Samsung or a non-Samsung smartphone in taking the videos to be used for the contest, provided that non-Samsung smartphones are not seen anywhere in the video.
9. Participants cannot choose the color of the prizes.
10. Prizes are tax-free.
11. Prizes are non-transferrable and not convertible to cash.
12. Participants give their consent to Samsung Philippines to use their video entries for marketing purposes.

Announcement of winners

Winners will be announced within five (5) working days after the screening schedule via the Samsung Website and official Samsung Social Media Accounts. Winners will also be notified through registered mail, electronic mail, a phone call from Samsung’s official representative and through Samsung’s official Facebook page. Before announcing the winners on Samsung’s social media pages, Samsung reserves the right to verify the details submitted by the winners through the Samsung website to ensure that all details are correct and valid.

Claiming of prizes

1. Prizes may be claimed at the Samsung Electronics Philippines Office at the 9th Floor Science Hub Tower 4, McKinley Hill, Taguig as indicated in registered mail. The winners shall shoulder all costs he/she may incur in claiming the prizes (Bus Fares, Taxi Fares, Gas, Parking, Meals, etc.) for NCR Winners. For provincial winners, the prize will be sent via courier to the winner’s registered address, free of charge.
2. The winners must present the following when claiming his/her prize:
Two (2) valid IDs (SSS or GSIS ID, driver’s license, Postal ID, Voter’s ID, Passport, company ID, school ID*) with complete real name, photograph and signature AND Original/Certified True Copy and Photocopies of any of these official documents of the winners: birth certificate or marriage contract.
3. In the event that the winners cannot personally claim his/her prize, an authorized representative may claim on his/her behalf, provided that the representative brings the following:
Two (2) valid IDs of the winners (SSS ID or GSIS, driver’s license, Postal ID, Voter’s ID, Passport, company ID, school ID*) with complete real name, photograph and signature AND Original/ Certified True Copy and Photocopy of any of these official documents of the winner: birth certificate or marriage contract.
4. Prizes unclaimed within 60 days from receipt of registered mail are forfeited in favor of Samsung Corporation with prior DTI approval.
5. Employees, talents and consultants of Samsung Corporation and its advertising agency, including their relatives up to second degree of consanguinity or affinity are not qualified to join the contest. The winner’s identity shall be subject to verification.

DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-148583 Series of 2022.
Terms and Conditions apply.