
Show us your City

A guide to capturing your city

Samsung invited the Nifty Few, a passionate photography team, to capture our capital.
The premise - to showcase Wellington in a fresh, new way, light and angle.

Every city has the obvious sites that have been captured a thousand times. But you’re anything but obvious, aren’t you? We want to see your unexpected perspective in our monthly #withGalaxy Instagram challenges. Use #withGalaxy when posting your one-of-a-kind shot and you could get featured on our feed and website. Read on for tips on how to what makes a good photograph stand out in the crowd.


Find an angle no one else has seen

Many commonly-photographed subjects are usually shot the same way. For example, look up pictures of your favorite building on Instagram. A lot of people probably shoot it in almost the exact same way. What are those shots missing? To put it simply: you.

Your vision, your style and your experience aren't in those shots. How can you add your totally unique POV? Try shooting architecture from a fresh angle, or focus on details in the facade that are usually overlooked. Maybe you see a hidden beauty that others miss. That's what makes a great shot.


Look for a subject that interests you

This challenge isn’t just about popular landmarks, of course. Any subject can be a good one, depending on how you see it.

While exploring the city, put your phone down and keep your eyes open for subjects that you find interesting—you never know where your next bit of inspiration might come from. Once you find something that catches your eye, play with as many angles, positions and compositions you can think of. You’ll be glad you did later, when it's time to pick your favourite.


Pick the best of the batch

When it's time to pick your best shot, review your photos and look for the one that will make people wonder how you captured it. Ask yourself what would make you say “wow” if you saw it in your feed. You're looking for the pic that makes you feel something, not just see something. When that happens, it means you captured something special. Think about what that is and go with your gut.

High Resolution
Galaxy S20 Ultra offers a whopping 108 megapixels. That's millions more pixels for impossibly sharp shots.

Make that photo pop off the screen

Colour temperature is the first step toward an unexpectedly awesome Instagram post, and matching your color to the conditions of the day will make your photo pop. Did you shoot on a cloudy day, or was it bright and sunny? Cooling down or warming up your color will make your subject show up on screen the way you saw it in person.

Don't just rely on your phone's filters—use your editing tools to really make the shot your own. Play with contrast and saturation, shadows and highlights. Instagram has a host of editing options, and there are a plethora of editing apps out there, too: VSCO, Snapseed, and Adobe Lightroom, for starters.


Share and Explore

How to join the Challenge

Visit us on Instagram then share your best city pics #withGalaxy.

Top tools for city photography

Grab this gear, then get out there and bring us some beauty #withGalaxy.

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