24" Essential Curved Monitor S3 S36C Full HD 75Hz

24" Essential Curved Monitor S3 S36C Full HD 75Hz


  • Pengalaman menonton yang kaya dengan layar lengkung.
  • Pengalaman gaming seamless dengan AMD FreeSync, refresh rate 75Hz, dan Game Mode.
  • Comfortable Eye Care dengan mode Eye Saver dan Flicker Free.

Pilih Size Anda

24" Essential Curved Monitor S3 S36C Full HD 75Hz

  • fitur layar lengkung
    Layar Lengkung
  • fitur AMD Freesync
    AMD FreeSync
  • kualitas 75 Hz refresh rate
    Refresh Rate
  • Pengaturan mode game
    Game Mode

Layar Lengkung untuk pengalaman yang lebih kaya

Layar Lengkung

Pengalaman menonton yang lebih imersif. Monitor lengkung ini akan menciptakan tampilan yang lebih luas lewat lengkungan yang cocok dengan bidang pandang Anda untuk meningkatkan persepsi kedalaman dan meminimalkan gangguan periferal, sehingga Anda bisa lebih fokus pada hal yang ditampilkan di layar.

There is a curved monitor on the desk. There is a curved monitor on the desk.

Gaming lancar bebas hambatan

AMD FreeSync

Pengalaman gaming latensi rendah. AMD Radeon FreeSync™ akan memastikan monitor dan refresh rate graphic card Anda selalu sinkron demi mengurangi image tearing. Mainkan game kesukaan Anda tanpa interupsi apa pun. Nikmati adegan yang lebih mulus dan lancar.

Comparison between FreeSync OFF and AMD FreeSync On. FreeSync OFF causes tearing in the image of the rider on the monitor, but the image of the rider on the AMD FreeSync monitor is clearly visible without obstruction. Comparison between FreeSync OFF and AMD FreeSync On. FreeSync OFF causes tearing in the image of the rider on the monitor, but the image of the rider on the AMD FreeSync monitor is clearly visible without obstruction.

*Gambar disimulasikan untuk tujuan ilustrasi.

Gameplay yang sinkron

Refresh rate 75Hz

Adegan jadi lebih mulus dengan refresh rate 75Hz. Nikmati lag dan efek ghosting yang lebih sedikit pada konten hiburan favorit Anda, baik itu game, video YouTube, atau konten-konten lainnya.

It explains the 75Hz Refresh Rate function that displays 75 screens per second by showing the jumps of the wide jumper on a continuous screen. It explains the 75Hz Refresh Rate function that displays 75 screens per second by showing the jumps of the wide jumper on a continuous screen.

*Gambar disimulasikan untuk tujuan ilustrasi.

Pengalaman gaming dahsyat

Game Mode

Nikmati pengaturan game yang dapat dioptimalkan. Kontras gambar dan warna dapat langsung disesuaikan agar Anda bisa melihat gambar dengan jelas serta menemukan musuh yang bersembunyi dalam gelap. Sementara itu, Game Mode akan membuat semua game menampilkan setiap detail dengan jelas.

The game screen is displayed on the monitor. Left is Game mode OFF, right is Game mode On. In Game mode OFF, the screen is dark and the color is not clear, so it is difficult to see the target, but in Game mode On, the screen is bright and clear, so the target is accurately recognized. The game screen is displayed on the monitor. Left is Game mode OFF, right is Game mode On. In Game mode OFF, the screen is dark and the color is not clear, so it is difficult to see the target, but in Game mode On, the screen is bright and clear, so the target is accurately recognized.

*Gambar disimulasikan untuk tujuan ilustrasi.

Comfortable Eye Care

Mode Eye Saver & Flicker Free

Lindungi mata Anda. Teknologi perlindungan mata bersertifikat TUV yang canggih akan mengurangi kelelahan pada mata, meminimalkan cahaya biru selagi menghilangkan kedipan layar yang mengganggu.

Eye Saver Mode OFF and Eye Saver Mode ON monitors are placed side by side on the desk at night. The monitor in Eye Saver Mode OFF causes high eye fatigue due to blue light. The monitor in Eye Saver Mode ON blocks blue light to reduce eye fatigue. At the top is the TÜV Rheinland certification mark. Eye Saver Mode OFF and Eye Saver Mode ON monitors are placed side by side on the desk at night. The monitor in Eye Saver Mode OFF causes high eye fatigue due to blue light. The monitor in Eye Saver Mode ON blocks blue light to reduce eye fatigue. At the top is the TÜV Rheinland certification mark.

*Gambar disimulasikan untuk tujuan ilustrasi

Pengaturan kecerahan otomatis yang hemat energi

Eco Saving Plus

Tersertifikasi global untuk efisiensi energi, monitor Samsung dilengkapi dengan mode eco saving plus yang menghemat energi hingga 10%.

Eco Saving Plus is set to Auto in the monitor System Mode. There is an Eco Saving Plus icon. Eco Saving Plus is set to Auto in the monitor System Mode. There is an Eco Saving Plus icon.

Sambungkan dengan mudah

HDMI & D-sub

Sambungkan berbagai perangkat. Langsung sambungkan perangkat ke monitor Anda dan nikmati fleksibilitas yang lebih baik serta computing environment yang lebih nyaman.

The back of the monitor is shown. HDMI and D-sub are expanded. The back of the monitor is shown. HDMI and D-sub are expanded.


  • Resolution 1,920 x 1,080
  • Aspect Ratio 16:9
  • Screen Curvature 1800R
  • Brightness (Typical) 250cd/㎡
  • Contrast Ratio Static 3,000:1(Typ.)
  • Response Time 4(GTG)