Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your online order as long as it hasn't already been dispatched.

Dispatch times vary, and can be as fast as 60 minutes from ordering, but are longer for BESPOKE and customised products, as well as bulkier items.

If your order has already been dispatched, you will have 14 days to return it to us after it has been delivered.

To cancel your order, just follow these simple instructions.

How to cancel your order.

If you are a guest user.

1. Go to Order Look Up to easily update your order
2. Enter your order number and email address
3. Click the cancel button next to the relevant order

If the option to cancel isn’t available, your order is on its way and cannot be changed. You will have 14 days to return your order to us from the day you receive it.

If you have an account.

1. Sign in to your account
2. Go to your Orders page and enter your order number
3. Click the cancel button next to the relevant order

If the option to cancel isn’t available, your order is on its way and cannot be changed. You will have 14 days to return your order to us from the day you receive it

Alternatively, you can contact us, and a member of our Customer Support team will be happy to help.

Other frequently asked questions.

What is the returns period?
Can I change an order?
How do I return my product if I have changed my mind?
What should I do if my product is damaged on delivery?
Will I receive a full refund?

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