
Making Food Storage
Fun with Tetris™

Samsung Stackers: helping to reduce food waste one block at a time

Many of us wish that we could make the most of all the food we buy and waste less, but the solution might be closer than you’d expect – and it’s all about the way we store our food. That’s why we teamed up with the world-famous puzzle game Tetris™ to launch Samsung Stackers:’ a new kind of storage solution that makes organising your leftovers not just easy, but also entertaining.

Using classic Tetris™ shaped designs, from the versatile T-Block to the crowd favourite I-Block, you’ll be able to turn your fridge into a real life Tetris™ game. Plus, all proceeds go to the European Food Banks Federation, a network of over 300 Food Banks in 29 European countries, so you can help prevent food waste and reduce food insecurity across Europe at the same time.

The perfect gift for foodies and gamers alike, the Tetris™ design is also the perfect complement to the brilliant boxy aesthetic of the Bespoke fridge range—making your fridge beautiful inside and out. Buy this limited-edition gift here.

Tips for reducing your food waste


Maximise your fridge space

Hosting occasions are plentiful throughout the festive season, so we’re always looking for ways to maximise unused fridge space. To assist with those big events, we've implemented innovative solutions like Rack&Shelf™ in certain refrigerator models, offering multifunctional storage for everything from wine to appetisers. To make life a little easier, the Bespoke fridge range has also been created with SpaceMax™ technology. Designed with a more efficient layout, the walls of the Bespoke models are slim, providing great internal capacity, without compromising performance. All these features come together to help stop you from throwing food away, meaning you can keep all your favourites at hand in your convenient Samsung Stackers.

Many Samsung refrigerators such as American Style - double door fridge freezers and French Style - multi-door fridge freezers feature adjustable shelving, so you can customise the interior to fit your specific storage requirements. The classic French door design with a spacious interior is a stylish and practical choice for households. On the other hand, the American Style Fridge Freezer has a side-by-side door design and is known for its large capacity, making it ideal for families who need ample storage space. Both types of Samsung refrigerators are equipped with advanced cooling systems, ensuring that your food stays fresher for longer.


Get creative with your leftovers

The festive season is a time for good food and good company, often leaving delicious leftovers in the fridge. But that doesn’t mean you need to eat turkey sandwiches for days on end! Get creative with how you use them, like making a delicious turkey curry and vegetable samosas with leftover turkey and vegetables. The possibilities are endless! Samsung Stackers are a perfect way to store leftovers, stacking together neatly so you can see exactly what’s inside each one—meaning nothing gets forgotten. Plus, with a Samsung Smart Fridge Freezer, you can keep leftovers fresh thanks to their innovative features.


Customise your fridge, inside and out

At this time of year, it’s really important that your fridge storage allows you to organise all the festive food you'll be making, from homemade cranberry sauce, to thawing turkeys. Thankfully, you can easily store bottles and bulky groceries, which gives you more fridge shelf options. With the flexibility of the Wine Shelf, you can create more room, ensuring you can see all the fresh produce in your fridge. That means you can stop running to the shop only to find you already had what you were looking for in the back of the fridge.


Never lose your cool

You want everything to stay equally cool in your fridge, regardless of where you store it. Whether it’s snacks for Santa, drinks for friends or the perfect dessert, ensure food stays fresh. It does what it says on the tin—moving cool air around the fridge to keep food fresh with a constant temperature. So, everything from carrots to cakes will be evenly chilled.

Meanwhile, the Total No Frost feature will help keep your food fresh, and also prevent ice-build up, saving you the hassle of defrosting and keeping your fridge frost-free.

Discover our wide range of frost free fridge freezers and find the best one for you.

Find your perfect fridge freezer

Stack what you want, how you want with these models

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