* Оценка устройства может варьироваться в зависимости от модели и условий Trade-in.
The device you are trading in is more valuable than the phone you are buying. Unfortunately we cannot credit you the excess value, so please remove the trade in device, or change the device you are purchasing
Ваша предварительная скидкa
* Оценка устройства может варьироваться в зависимости от модели и условий Trade-in.
The device you are trading in is more valuable than the phone you are buying. Unfortunately we cannot credit you the excess value, so please remove the trade in device, or change the device you are purchasing
1.* Изображение приведено в качестве примера. * Доступные цвета зависят от страны и региона. * Аксессуары приобретаются отдельно.
Go to feature
2.* Изображение приведено в качестве примера. * Аксессуары приобретаются отдельно. * Значения сертификации UL указаны по массе чехла.
Go to feature
* Ключевая функция может отличаться от ключевой характеристики
* Фактическая емкость (Втч) аккумулятора определяется произведением величины потребляемого тока на величину напряжения. Это значение может отличаться от значения емкости (Втч), указанного на устройстве, поскольку первое зависит от реальной мощности, потребляемой данным устройством, наличием подключенных устройств и условиями эксплуатации.
Now you get innovative smartphone with right tariff plan.
Upfront Cost
Der Anschlusspreis und monatlicher Tarifpreis werden vom jeweiligen Netzanbieter eingezogen. Du zahlst jetzt nur den einmaligen Gerätepreis.
Check the availabbility
1 of 3
Wrong address
Unfortunately, we cannot make you a DSL offer for the address you have checked.The address you have given is not unique, please choose from the address suggestions.
Empfohlene Adresse
Please provide a valid postcode
Please enter correct information again.
Please provide a valid street
Please enter correct information again.
Please provide a valid house number
Please enter correct information again.
Additional information placeholder
Please enter correct information again.
Please provide a valid city
Please enter correct information again.
*Required fields
Informationen zur Verarbeitung Deiner personenbezogenen Daten findest Du in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.
Pay monthly phone contracts
Buy your phone along with an inclusive monthly network plan and pay monthly*
Choose your network
Choose from a range of networks and inclusive monthly plans to get started with your new Galaxy phone straight away.
Платить ежемесячно
Pay for your phone and an inclusive bundle of calls, texts and data in one easy-to-manage monthly fee.
Next steps
You will be redirected to our trusted partner, A1 Comms Ltd (trading as Mobileshop), to purchase your phone and setup your monthly plan.
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
Choose your model
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
Almost done! Please enter your IMEI number
Trade-in discount(Upfront discount)
Найдите ваш IMEI код
Option 1Dial *#06# to find your IMEI.
Option 2Go to Settings > General > About to display IMEI.
Enter your IMEI number
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
Last step, Is your phone in good condition?
Not eligible for trade-in
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
Nice! All done. Check your final value to finish
Trade-in discount
*Actual trade-in discount might differ from estimated discount.
Phone powers on & Holds charge
Normal wear & Tear
Functioning display & No cracked screen
Not blacklisted
Factory reset & No software locks
Confirm Terms and Conditions
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
Upgrade Terms and Conditions
Phone powers on & Holds charge
Normal wear & Tear
Functioning display & No cracked screen
Not blacklisted
Factory reset & No software locks
Return & Cancel
Samsung Care+
Samsung Care+ Disclaimer with link
Here’s what’s covered
Hardware repairs
Get fast, convenient repairs using genuine Samsung parts, from our authorized technicians.
Software coverage
If your device isn’t running smoothly, we’ll check and fix the issue.
Battery replacement
Stay powered up with hassle-free battery replacements.
4 claims within
Make up to 4 claims for repair or replacement within 2 years, and save with a low deductible per claim.
Покупка нового устройства с Samsung Care подтверждает ознакомление и соглашение с условиями использования Samsung Care Положения и Условия. Сертификат действителен до окончания срока, указанного в сертификате, и годен только для устройства, привязанного к сертификату. Сертификат не подлежит обмену на денежные средства, возврату или переоформлению на другое устройство. Samsung Care не распространяется на утерянные или украденные устройства.
Напоминаем, что указанные ниже цены приблизительно основаны на ваших ответах о техническом и визуальном состоянии устройства. Точная цена для переданных устройств будет известна после визуальной диагностики на основе ваших фотографий на этапе оформления. Все правила акции вы можете найти на официальной странице акции, а также ознакомиться с инструкцией по Trade-in.
Произошла ошибка, попробуйте позже
Ваша скидка Трейд-ин
2 of 2
Применяя скидку по trade-in, вы соглашаетесь с условиями программы.
Общая скидка0 ₸
*Обязательные поля
Напоминаем, что указанные ниже цены приблизительно основаны на ваших ответах о техническом и визуальном состоянии устройства. Точная цена для переданных устройств будет известна после визуальной диагностики на основе ваших фотографий на этапе оформления. Все правила акции вы можете найти на официальной странице акции, а также ознакомиться с инструкцией по Trade-in.
Session ended. Select Trade-in to restart the session