32" M8 次世代智能顯示器 (2023) 象牙白

32" M8 次世代智能顯示器 (2023) 象牙白


  • 4K Smart TV 體驗,盡享最愛節目
  • 標誌性超薄設計,更時尚整潔
  • 靈活工作體驗,無需接駁電腦
  • 調整你的最佳位置、顯示器可90度旋轉,可調節高度及傾斜


顏色 :


  • There is a monitor. Then a mouse and keyboard appears, searching 'Time travel to a fantasy world'. Then a related content is played, and there are circles to represent built-in speakers.
    Smart TV 體驗
  • There is a Smart Monitor with shown on a web browser, connected with a desktop, and the desktop disappears. The screen is separated to two screen. On the left side of the screen, there is a web browser and on the right side, there is an Excel.
  • 垂直旋轉
  • A room contains a desk with a monitor on top, a smart light, a smart curtain, a smart robot vacuum, a smart oven and a smart fridge. An icon representing each item is above each item. And there is a mic, saying "turn on the vacuum cleaner". On the bottom, there are Bixby and Alexa built-in logos.

Samsung 專門店







Smart TV 體驗

輕鬆暢享各種娛樂。只需將顯示器連接 WiFi,即可盡享 Netflix、YouTube 和其他串流媒體服務。

There is a monitor. Then a mouse and keyboard appears, searching 'Time travel to a fantasy world'. Then a related content is played, and there are circles to represent built-in speakers. There is a monitor. Then a mouse and keyboard appears, searching 'Time travel to a fantasy world'. Then a related content is played, and there are circles to represent built-in speakers.

* 應用程式的可用性可能因國家/地區而有所不同,並可能需另行訂閱。 * 需連接互聯網,不包括電視調諧器。 * 遙控器規格可能因國家/地區而有所不同。 * 產品顏色的可用性可能因國家/地區而有所不同。


4K OTT 內容

Smart Hub 突出內容管理和搜尋位置,因此你可減少搜尋時間,將更多時間用於收看串流播放你愛看的電影、節目和其他內容。

The screen, featuring with two women, is divided into half to compare the picture quality. On the left side of the screen is Full HD, 1920 x 1080 and on the right side of it is 4K, 3840 x 2160. At the end, the 4K screen fills up the whole screen and its picture quality shows clearer than Full HD. The screen, featuring with two women, is divided into half to compare the picture quality. On the left side of the screen is Full HD, 1920 x 1080 and on the right side of it is 4K, 3840 x 2160. At the end, the 4K screen fills up the whole screen and its picture quality shows clearer than Full HD.

* 內容服務和推薦可能因地區而有所不同* 使用前需要同意 Smart Hub 條款和細則以及私隱政策。* 部分服務需註冊訂閱後方可觀看。* 需要 Samsung Account。* 用戶界面如有更改,恕不另行通知。



無需接駁電腦的工作體驗。你不再需要另行接駁電腦,便能瀏覽網頁、編輯檔案和處理大小項目。透過嶄新的工作模式,你更可遙距登入另一部電腦、使用 Microsoft 365 程式,甚至藉著Samsung DeX 連接到三星流動裝置,以進行無縫遙距工作。

There is a Smart Monitor with shown on a web browser, connected with a desktop, and the desktop disappears. The screen is separated to two screen. On the left side of the screen, there is a web browser and on the right side, there is an Excel. There is a Smart Monitor with shown on a web browser, connected with a desktop, and the desktop disappears. The screen is separated to two screen. On the left side of the screen, there is a web browser and on the right side, there is an Excel.

* 屏幕上的內容為模擬效果圖像,僅供示範之用。 * Microsoft 365 需要 Microsoft 帳戶。 * 指選 Galaxy、Note 和 Tab 裝置可支援無線 DeX。 * 此功能需要 Windows 10 Pro、Mac OS 10.5 或更高版本以及兼容的網絡設定。 * 產品顏色可用性可能因國家/地區而有所不同。


SlimFit 鏡頭

隨時加入任何對話。具備傾斜功能的 SlimFit 鏡頭設計,讓你能以舒適的角度使用常用的視像通話應用程式,而你可直接透過顯示器登入這些應用程式。此外,鏡頭蓋和可完全拆卸的設計讓你的私隱時刻受保護。

There is Google Meet screen with 3:1 call situation and next to it, a SlimFit camera is zoomed in, showing its angle's movement. And the video call screen with a woman on the right side becomes in full screen. A man appears and the angle moves showing both people well. Dex logo is below the monitor. There is Google Meet screen with 3:1 call situation and next to it, a SlimFit camera is zoomed in, showing its angle's movement. And the video call screen with a woman on the right side becomes in full screen. A man appears and the angle moves showing both people well. Dex logo is below the monitor.



連接方便。透過 AirPlay 集成,你可將 Apple 裝置以無線方式連接到次世代智能顯示器,從而可在更大的屏幕上瀏覽。 在 次世代智能顯示器上觀賞你常看的 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 內容,甚至能以鏡射功能,使用應用程式、檔案和網站。

A smartphone and monitor sit side-by-side. The smartphone shows a woman posing with a skateboard. The same woman with skateboard is shown on the monitor. The smartphone's gallery app swipes through different photos which are also shown on the monitor screen. A smartphone and monitor sit side-by-side. The smartphone shows a woman posing with a skateboard. The same woman with skateboard is shown on the monitor. The smartphone's gallery app swipes through different photos which are also shown on the monitor screen.

* 產品顏色可用性可能因國家/地區而有所不同。



多端HDMI, USB-A及USB type-C 插口讓你可透過單線接駁,便能啟動電源、傳輸資料、甚至可發出跨裝置傳輸屏幕訊號。單線連接結構使設備遠離凌亂的線材,令工作環境更能保持整齊清潔,工作效率自然提升。

* 產品顏色可用性可能因國家/地區而異。






次世代智能顯示器旨在提升你的生活格調,因此帶來更突破的設計外型。顯示器擁有超薄而平面的機背、簡約的鏡頭設計和唯美的機身色彩,加上簡約的外型,能融入任何環境 ,帶來更舒適和彈性的工作空間。

There are four monitors in a row. And as the monitors merge into one, the color changes, and each color name appears sequentially at the bottom - warm white, spring green, sunset pink, and daylight blue. There are four monitors in a row. And as the monitors merge into one, the color changes, and each color name appears sequentially at the bottom - warm white, spring green, sunset pink, and daylight blue.


IoT 控制中心

節目不必暫停,也能輕鬆管理你的智能家居。透過 SmartThings 讓你的智慧聯網螢幕化身為居家生活的指揮中心,串聯與控制家中的 IoT 裝置。透過語音控制,告訴顯示器,無需離開座位就能關燈、調節溫控裝置等。

*可用的技術、功能與特性可能會因國家/地區、電信業者、網路環境或產品而異,如有變更,恕不另行通知。 *裝置需連接至 Wi-Fi、藍牙或其他無線網路,並於 SmartThings 應用程式中完成註冊。*Alexa語音服務未支援香港地區。 *連接之裝置需另行購買。


My Contents

全新的 My Contents 功能會自動顯示你所需的個人化內容。你的照片、天氣資訊等都能一目了然,毫不費力。

When a phone is near the monitor, the monitor screen is on and some information - time, weather, and images is shown. And 'welcome!' message appears as well. And when the phone is away from the monitor, the screen is off. When a phone is near the monitor, the monitor screen is on and some information - time, weather, and images is shown. And 'welcome!' message appears as well. And when the phone is away from the monitor, the screen is off.


  • 屏幕尺寸 (Class) 32
  • 平面 / 曲面 平面
  • 解像度 3,840 x 2,160



產品支援 查看更多內容
  • User Manual
    英文, 越南文, 阿拉伯語, 葡萄牙語, 法語
  • User Manual
    英文, 阿拉伯語, 法語, 葡萄牙語, 泰語, 越南文
  • e-Manual
    英文, 法語, 西班牙語, 葡萄牙語, 斯洛維尼亞語, 土耳其文, 匈牙利語, 波蘭語, 希臘語, 保加利亞語, 克羅地亞語, 捷克語, 斯洛伐克語, 羅馬尼亞語, 塞爾維亞語, 德語, 荷蘭語, 瑞典文, 丹麥語, 挪威語, 芬蘭語, 意大利語,  拉脫維亞語, 立陶宛語, 愛沙尼亞語, 俄文, 烏克蘭語, 哈薩克語, 希伯來語, 阿拉伯語, 印尼語, 波斯語, 越南文, 中文



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+ 顏色只供參考;詳情請向店員查詢。

- 產品圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準。如有任何爭議,三星電子香港有限公司保留最終之決定權。

- 所有名稱及註冊商標可能是各相關公司所擁有。