Netflix app is no longer supported on older Samsung TVs.

Last Update date : 2024-04-22

A few outdated devices will no longer be supported by the Netflix app. From August 19th onward, the Netflix app won't work with our smart TVs from the previous 2010 (D-Series) -2011 (E-Series) models.

Samsung TVin the living room on the wall with coach next it
1 What TV models will Netflix no longer support?

The Netflix app will not work with several TV models produced between 2010 (D-Series) and 2011 (E-Series).

2 When will the Netflix app stop supporting old TVs?

The Netflix app will stop working on devices manufactured between 2010 (D-Series) and 2011 (E-Series). on August 19, 2023.

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

* This feature is only available on specific models. Please refer to your user manual for more information

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