What is Link Sharing?

Last Update date : Nov 23. 2020
What is Link Sharing?

What is Link Sharing?

Link Sharing is a file sharing app that is able to conveniently share large size of video clips or massive quantity of original size photos to an individual or a group of people. Simply select the file you wish to share, and a code will be generated. Pass the code on to your friends or family, punch in the code and then simply start downloading.


- Large size files transfer with Samsung Cloud
- Maximum 2GB* can be transferred at once, with individual file size limit being 1GB
- Supports all file types (except Apk** types)
- Various file transferring options
- Send to contacts, Create a link, Share with Code


* Maximum 2GB can be transferred daily, which will be stored on the server for two days until they are deleted.
** Apk file types cannot be transferred due to legal issues

Important Note:

• Once the temporary access code has been generated, this code will expire within 10 minutes.

Link Sharing is only compatible for Android OS 6.0 (Marshmallow) and newer.

• Enhanced messaging must be enabled to use Link Sharing. 

How to use Link Sharing - from the Sending Device

1 Go into the Apps menu → My Files.

 (Note: My Files was used only as an example. Gallery app and other file browser apps may be compatible with Link Sharing).

What is Link Sharing?
2 Navigate to the destination folder where the file you wish to share is stored.
What is Link Sharing?
3 Tap and hold on the file you wish to share. You may select more than one file if you wish to do so.
What is Link Sharing?
4 Tap on Share and then tap on Link Sharing.
What is Link Sharing?
What is Link Sharing?
5 Tap on Create code. This will generate a unique Link Sharing code for you to share with friends or family. You can copy the code by long tapping on the code.

(Note: The unique Link Sharing code will expire in 10 minutes so make sure the code has been received by your friend/family and downloaded within the given timeframe). 

What is Link Sharing?
What is Link Sharing?
What is Link Sharing?

How to use Link Sharing - from the Receiving Device

1 Open the Link Sharing app and enter the Link Sharing code you have received from a friend/family member, into the prescribed field to view the downloadable content.

(Note: If the Link Sharing app is unavailable, you will need to download it from the Google Play Store).

What is Link Sharing?
What is Link Sharing?
2 You can also long hold on the Enter code field to Paste the copied text if you have already copied the code. Once you have entered in the Link Sharing code, tap on the Search button located near the bottom right of the screen.
What is Link Sharing?
What is Link Sharing?
3 Tap on Download to begin the process.

(Note: The downloaded files will be placed into your Downloads folder in your Internal Storage of your device).

What is Link Sharing?
What is Link Sharing?

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