What do the notification light colours mean on my Samsung Galaxy Alpha?

Last Update date : Nov 23. 2020

LED indicator

Your mobile device has an LED indicator in the top-left corner on the front of your device. When your screen is off the LED indicator notifies you of missed Notifications, Low battery when the device is Charging and when you are Voice recording. The following are the types of events and their associated colour:

  • Blue:
    • Pulses in multi-tone blue while the device is turning on or off.
    • Blinks blue for a missed call, message or other notification.
    • Blinks blue when you are recording a voice.
  • Red:
    • Glows red when the device is connected to a charger and is charging.
    • Blinks red when the device is connected to a charger but there is a problem with charging.
    • Blinks red when the battery is low.
  • Green:
    • Glows green when the device is connected to a charger and the battery is fully charged.
    • Blinking green indicates the battery is fully charged. 

You can edit which types of events your device should notify you about. From the Home screen touch Apps Apps Icon > Settings Settings Shortcut > Display Settings Device Tab Icon > LED indicator and mark the events you would like your device to notify you about.

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