How to install apps from Play Store in Samsung Galaxy A5-2016(SM-A510FD)?

Last Update date : Oct 05. 2020

.  Install apps from Play Store in Samsung Galaxy A5-2016


Play Store → Enter account details or create a new account → Enter First name and last name → Create user name and password → Enter and verify your phone number → Select application → INSTALL  


The Play store is an online marketplace dedicated to provide free and paid applications for Samsung android operating system based devices. The Play store comes pre-installed on all Samsung android-based devices and is also highly integrated with third-party websites and online stores via QR codes and other similar technology.  


Below mentioned are the pictorial representation as follows :  


a). Tap on Play Store icon from the Home screen.




b). Select and tap on the App you want to download or you can search the App you want to download.




c). Tap on Install.




d). Tap on Accept.




e). App will start getting downloading.






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