How Do I customise my newsfeed on the Bixby home page of my Samsung Galaxy S8 or S8+?

Last Update date : Oct 06. 2020

You can customise the type of news you wish to see on your newsfeed, as well as the sources you wish to see.


To customise the types of news you see:


1. Open your Bixby Home screen, then tap Upday NEWS


Upday news 


3. Choose the menu icon (three dots)




4. Choose My Interests




5. Each category can be switched on or off, as well as drilled down to customise further.


In the below example, we have selected to turn on Entertainment, and the subcategory of Cinema  within Entertainment


Entertainment    Cinema 


To customise the sources of news you see:


News articles are shown based on relevance and popularity. However, if there are particular news sources you do not wish to see, you can remove them from your feed.


Follow the below steps to remove or hide a particular news source:


1. Open your Bixby Home screen





2. Tap on an article from the news source you wish to hide, then at the bottom of the article, tap the source of the article


news source 


3. Tap 'Hide all news from....'


Hide all from source   Source 


You will no longer see news from that source.


You can view and edit all hidden sources, by going into Upday > menu> Settings > Hidden sources>EDIT

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