How Do I close internet tabs to free up space for new pages and sites?

Last Update date : Nov 23. 2020

The number of tabs (webpages) you can keep open at one time will depend on your device.


Devices with higher specifications will be able to keep more pages open than lower specification ones.

If you have the maximum number of tabs open, you will not be able to open a new tab until one of the others is closed.


1. Tap the Recent button or open the "internet" application.



2. This will bring up all your open apps. Tap the Internet Browser you are using.

3. The method for closing tabs will differ slightly depending on whether you are using the Samsung Internet Browser or Chrome.

Select the option that matches your browser. Example shown on Samsung "Internet application

Tap on screen or scroll down slightly and the bottom options will appear


image2      image3 

4. This will show you all the tabs you have open. To close one tab or to select which tabs to close, touch the X in the top right corner of each tab you wish to close.


5. To close all the tabs, tap More (this may be represented by three dots)

6. Tap Close all tabs or Close all

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