How Do I back up data using my Samsung account?

Last Update date : Nov 23. 2020

Backing up data to your Samsung Account

With your Samsung account, you can back up and restore your data in the same device.


You can also synchronise several Samsung devices if you are using the same Samsung account. This feature is very useful when you want to keep the same data for all Samsung devices.


Type of data backed up: Phone logs, Messages, Wallpaper, Priority Senders, Spam addresses and filter, Call rejection list. (Note: the types of data will depend on your device. You can see more information on how to see what data is backed up on your device as per the steps below). 


If you are trying to back up data such as files, photos or videos, you can see instructions on how to back up via Dropbox here.


Devices running Android Lollipop or higher


 Click here for instructions for devices running Android KitKat or lower


1. Tap Apps


Apps LP 


2. Tap Settings


Settings c 


3. Scroll down to Personalisation and tap Accounts


Personalisation Accounts LP 


4. Tap Samsung Account. If you do not have a Samsung account you will need to set one up on your device. Click here for instructions on adding a Samsung account.


Samsung Account LP 


5. Tap Backup (you may need to scroll down a little)


Backup LP 1  


6. This will now provide you with options for backing up your account.


6.1 Tap Auto back up to enable your account to back up automatically.


Auto Backup LP 


6.2 Under Auto back up, you will have all the options of the different data that can be backed up using your Samsung account. This will vary according to device, with newer devices showing more options.

If you are looking to back up files, documents or photos, click here for steps showing you how to do this via Dropbox.


Backup options LP 



Restoring data from your Samsung account backup (Lollipop and higher)


1. Tap Apps


Apps LP


2. Tap Settings


Settings c


3. Scroll down to the Personalisation section and tap Accounts


Personalisation Accounts LP


4. Tap Samsung Account. (You may need to scroll down a little)


Samsung Account LP


5. Tap Restore (You may need to scroll down a little)


Restore LP 


6. Tap OK


Restore LP OK  


Devices running Android KitKat or lower


1. Tap Apps


Apps KK 


2. Tap Settings


Settings KK 


3. Scroll down to the Accounts section and tap Samsung account.  If you do not see a Samsung account, you will need to click Add Account to add it. Click here for information on how to add a Samsung account.


Select Samsung Account 


 4. Tap Device backup (you may need to scroll down a little)


 Samsung Backup 


5. You will now have the option to turn on Auto backup, choose what data you wish to back up, back up now, or restore your data.


5.1 Turning on Auto backup


5.1.1 Tap Auto backup


Select Auto backup 


5.1.2. Toggle the switch to on (green)


Toggle autobackup 


5.1.3 Tap OK to confirm Auto backup


Ok to Auto 


Your device will now automatically back up data.


5.2 Setting the type of data to back up


In your Samsung account->Backup screen, tap Backup options


Backup options 2 


5.3 Select which data you would like to back up.


The type of data you can back up here will depend on which model device you have. If you are trying to back up data such as photos, videos or documents, you can view steps on backing up via Dropbox here.



Select which data to backup 



Restoring data to your device (KitKat and lower)


1. Tap Apps


Apps KK 


2. Tap Settings


Settings KK 


3. Scroll down to the Accounts section and tap Samsung account.  If you do not see a Samsung account, you will need to click Add Account to add it. Click here for information on how to add a Samsung account.


Select Samsung Account 


 4. Tap Device backup (you may need to scroll down a little)


 Samsung Backup 


5.  Tap Restore (note this will restore only data that has already been backed up)

This might take some time, and depending on your device settings, may require your battery to be at a certain percentage.


Restore data 


6. Your data will now be restored.


Restoring data 




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