Samsung Chromebook crashes or freezes

If your Chromebook is crashing and freezing, there are a few things you can try before going directly to a factory reset. Refreshing your Chrome browser, closing all your opened tabs, and uninstalling problematic programs can help get your device running again.
Refresh Chrome.
It may be helpful to refresh your browser. Press the Ctrl, Shift, and R keys simultaneously to refresh the Chrome browser.
Close frozen tabs or programs.
If a certain tab is causing a problem, you can close it from Task Manager. Press Search and Esc simultaneously to open the Task manager. Select the program you want to close, and then select End Process.
Uninstall recent apps or extensions.
If the problem persists, it may be due to an issue with an app or extension you have installed. Select the Status tray, and then select Settings. Select Apps, and then select Manage your apps. Select the app you want to remove, and then select Uninstall. Select Uninstall again to confirm.
Perform a factory reset.
A factory reset on your Chromebook, or a Powerwash, will restore the device to its default settings. Make sure to back up your data before performing a Powerwash.
After the Powerwash, use your Chromebook normally to check if it still crashes or freezes.
Perform a recovery.
You can also try performing a recovery on your Chromebook. A recovery will revert your device to a point in time when it was working properly.
Request service.
If your Chromebook is still crashing or freezing after performing the troubleshooting steps, service is required. Please contact the Support Center to request service.
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