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Chrome OS missing or damaged error on Samsung Chromebook

If you receive a "Chrome OS is missing or damaged" message on your Chromebook, some kind of error is occurring with the operating system (OS). It may be necessary to recover the Chrome OS. Other times, this problem may also require service.

Note: In most cases, a Chromebook Recovery is needed. If service is required, our Support Center offers In-home, Walk-in, and Mail-in Service.

To see the possible error codes, press the Tab key; a message will appear. Look next to the recovery_reason to determine the error code.


A WP error has occurred. Perform a Chromebook Recovery.


A TPM error has occurred. Service is required. Please visit the Support Center to request service.


A RMA image is needed to update firmware. Perform a Chromebook Recovery.


The eMMC needs to be checked. Service is required. Please visit the Support Center to request service.


This can happen if you press the space key on the Developer mode warning screen. If you did not do this, please check your keyboard.


There is no OS kernel. Perform a Chromebook Recovery.


The kernel is corrupted. Perform a Chromebook Recovery.


The Chromebook cannot access TPM. Service is required. Please visit the Support Center to request service.


Go to Developer mode


The Chromebook cannot find eMMC. Perform a Chromebook Recovery. If this does not resolve the issue, service is required. Please visit the Support Center to request service.


The root file system is corrupted. Perform a Chromebook Recovery.

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