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A woman holding a Samsung phone by its edges

Edge screen is too sensitive on Samsung phone

A woman holding a Samsung phone by its edges

The Edge Screens on your Galaxy phone automatically disregard some touches to prevent unwanted interactions while you're holding the phone. However, you can adjust which areas are disregarded using the EdgeTouch app, available on the Galaxy Store.

  1. Open EdgeTouch.

    If you do not already have the app installed, you can download it from the Galaxy Store.

  2. Set your preferences for Edge Screen sensitivity.

    Tap Show Edge zones to see the areas of the screen that will not respond to touch. The Grip zone, in green, is the area that will be ignored if the phone detects that it is being held on both sides. The yellow Blocked zone is always ignored.

    You can choose one of the preset options for common sizes, or tap Add Edge zone to customize the size.

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