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Dim screen on Galaxy Watch Active 2

Screen is dark or dim on Samsung smart watch

Dim screen on Galaxy Watch Active 2

There are several reasons why the Samsung smart watch display cannot be adjusted and the screen appears darkened or gray. Both issues can be caused by an accessibility setting, Outdoor mode, physical damage to the watch, a third-party app, or outdated software.

  • STEP 1
  • STEP 2
  • STEP 3
  • STEP 4
  • STEP 5

Verify Power saving mode is off on your Samsung smart watch

This feature is not available on the Galaxy Fit.

  1. Open Quick settings on your watch.

    If Power saving mode is on, your smart watch will have "Power saving: ON" at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Check the Power saving icon.

    If Power saving mode is enabled, its icon will glow blue (it looks like a battery). You may need to swipe left to find the icon. Power saving icon switched on with a Samsung smart watch

  3. Turn off Power saving.

    If Power saving mode is turned on, you can turn it off by tapping the Power saving icon. The icon will be grayed out when turned off.

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