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A Samsung dishwasher loaded with plates and cups, with the door ajar

Samsung dishwasher is displaying an error code

A Samsung dishwasher loaded with plates and cups, with the door ajar

An error on your dishwasher indicates a problem. Here's a reference list so you can identify what the problem is and what steps are needed. Some errors can be resolved on your own with some light troubleshooting so you can get your dishwasher back in working order again.

  • Only models with a digital display can display an error code as an actual code. Models without a display will use blinking lights instead. If your dishwasher is not operating normally and the lights are flashing, see our guide to interpret the code.
  • Always perform the correct troubleshooting before attempting to reset the dishwasher or clear the code. Otherwise the issue causing the error will not be addressed, which may cause the error to return or impair the dishwasher.

Select your error code for more information

Select an image for more information.

1E error code
3C error code
3E error code
4C, 4E error code
5C, SC, 5E, SE error code
7E error code
9E error code
AP error code
bE, 6E error code
CE error code
HC, 1E error code
HE error code
LC, LE error code
OC, oE, 0C error code
PC error code
PE error code
tE error code
1E error code

Clogged filter error

1E, IE (Waterwall Models) -  Water is not making it through the filter.

Clean the fine filter at the bottom of the dishwasher. See your user manual for instructions.

If the code returns after the filter is cleaned, visit our Support Center to request service.

3C error code

Pump operation error

3C - The pump has failed.

Turn off the dishwasher, and then try to start the cycle again. If the error still occurs, visit our Support Center to request service.

3E error code

High temperature water supply error

3E - The water is too hot.

Verify the hot water supply is not set above 176°F.

If it isn't, but the error still occurs, visit our Support Center to request service.

4C, 4E error code

Water supply error

4C, 4E - The dishwasher is not getting water at the pressure or temperature that it needs.

  • Verify the water pressure and temperature meets the water supply requirements.
  • Floodsafe hoses are not compatible with Samsung dishwashers and should not be used.
  • Make sure the water supply is turned on.

If the error still occurs, visit our Support Center to request service.

5C, SC, 5E, SE error code

Drain error

5C, SC, 5E, SE  - The dishwasher can't drain.

  1. Inspect the dishwasher's drain connection at the sink.
  2. Check the drain hose.
  3. Run water in the sink that the dishwasher is connected to.
  4. Clean the drain, filter, and sump in the tub.
7E error code

Waterwall reflector error

7E - The reflector is not able to move correctly.

  • If you have recently unboxed the dishwasher, verify the packing tape has been removed from the waterwall reflector, allowing it to move.
  • Check that the reflector is installed in the correct position and is not blocked.
9E error code

Low water level error

9E - There is not enough water in the Dishwasher.

  1. Empty the dishwasher.
  2. Add detergent, and then run a normal cycle.

If the error still occurs, switch off power to the dishwasher at the circuit breaker, and visit our Support Center to request service.

AP error code

Access Point mode

AP  - The dishwasher is in Access Point Mode to assist with connecting to a mobile device.

If you are not trying to connect it, turn off the dishwasher and turn it back on again.

bE, 6E error code

Button error

bE, 6E - The panel detects a stuck button.

  1. Turn off the dishwasher.
  2. Touch every button on the panel.

If any buttons are not working correctly, or the error code returns after turning the dishwasher back on, visit our Support Center to request service.

CE error code

Communication error

CE  - The control panel is unable to communicate with the rest of the dishwasher.

Turn off the dishwasher and try to start it again. If the error continues, visit our Support Center to request service.

HC, 1E error code

High temperature heater error

HC, 1E, IE (Rotary Models) - The temperature inside the dishwasher is too hot.

  1. Switch the power to the dishwasher off (30 seconds) and then on again, at the circuit breaker.
  2. Empty the dishwasher.
  3. Fill the detergent drawer, and then start a Normal cycle.

If the error occurs again, visit our Support Center to request service.

HE error code

Heater error

HE - The temperature inside the dishwasher is being detected incorrectly.

  1. Empty the dishwasher.
  2. Add detergent, and then run a normal cycle.

If the error still occurs, switch off power to the dishwasher at the circuit breaker, and visit our Support Center to request service.

LC, LE error code

Leakage error

LC, LE - The dishwasher's leak sensor detects moisture or the water reflector is blocked (Waterwall models only). When this code occurs, the dishwasher will turn itself on and will not turn off. During this time it will attempt to drain the water away.

  • If you see a leak, see our guide for Dishwasher leaks water for troubleshooting.
  • If you're certain that there is not a leak:
    • If you recently moved the dishwasher, some water may have splashed near the sensor. Give it time to dry. If the noise of the dishwasher is bothersome, unplug it or turn it off at the circuit breaker.
    • If you've recently connected the dishwasher to a garbage disposal, make sure the garbage disposal cap is removed.
    • Make sure the detergent dispenser has not been overfilled and that extra detergent is not outside of the dispenser.

If you continue to get an error, visit our Support Center to request service.

OC, oE, 0C error code

Over-level water error

OC, 0C, oE - There is more water in the dishwasher than there should be. This is often very closely related to a drain issue.

  1. Inspect the dishwasher's drain connection at the sink.
  2. Check the drain hose.
  3. Run water in the sink that the dishwasher is connected to.
  4. Clean the drain, filter, and sump in the tub.
PC error code

Zone Wash error

PC - The Zone Wash function is not operating correctly.

Turn off the dishwasher and then try to start the cycle again. If the error still occurs, visit our Support Center to request service.

PE error code

Half load function error

PE - The half load function is not performing correctly.

  1. Empty the dishwasher.
  2. Add detergent and run a half load cycle.

If the error still occurs, switch off power to the dishwasher at the circuit breaker, and visit our Support Center to request service.

tE error code

Temperature sensor error

tE - The temperature inside the dishwasher is being detected incorrectly.

  1. Empty the dishwasher.
  2. Add detergent and run a normal cycle.

If the error still occurs, switch off power to the dishwasher at the circuit breaker, and visit our Support Center to request service.

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