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A Samsung phone with no power

Galaxy phone or tablet is not staying on or holding a charge

A Samsung phone with no power

If your phone or tablet is not holding a charge or if it turns on for just a few minutes before powering off, your battery is likely the cause of the problem. You can check the device's internal or external battery, as well as the Liquid Damage indicator.

  1. Inspect the device.

    Schedule a repair service on Samsung CareInspect the phone or tablet to ensure the connectors in the charging port are not corroded, bent, broken, or pushed in. If you have a removable battery, check the battery connectors as well.

    If there has been any sort of damage to the device or battery, please visit a Samsung walk-in service center or you can schedule a repair service online.

  2. Verify the device has no liquid damage.

    To determine if the phone or tablet experienced liquid damage, you can check the LDI (Liquid Damage Indicator). The LDI is either inside the SIM card tray slot for newer devices or on the removable battery for older devices.

    To eject the SIM card tray, insert the ejector tool that came with your device into the hole on the SIM card tray. Next, you will want to push the tool until the tray pops out. Look inside the slot to access the LDI.

    Or, if you have a removable battery, you will need to take out the battery and inspect it.

    LDI indicators should be solid white or white with visible pink or purple X's. If the device has been exposed to moisture, the LDI will be solid pink, purple, or red.


    Normal LDIs

    An LDI exposed to liquid


  3. Optimize the device's battery life.

    Once you've determined that the battery and device are in good condition, it's time to get the most out of your battery by following our helpful guides.

    You can set power saving modes to limit battery usage and make your device's battery last longer. There are different battery saving options and tips for  optimizing the battery life, as well as settings that you can adjust to maximize your battery life.

  4. Contact Samsung Support.

    If you still have issues with your battery, please visit a Samsung walk-in service center or you can schedule a repair service online.

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