My Smart Bundle
The ultimate 4K experience
Spectacular contrast just as the director intended
Quantum HDR 32X
With Quantum HDR 32X and its wide range of vivid shades of color, you’ll discover all the nuances in the latest Hollywood movies and shows made for High Dynamic Range.
Infinite sound with true 11.1.4ch
* Images are simulated and for illustration purposes only. The appearance, design and GUI(Graphic User Interface) specifications which do not affect the product performance are subject to change without notice.
* Actual Product may differ from image shown. Please see our product gallery.
* TV sold separately.
* Actual Product may differ from image shown. Please see our product gallery.
* TV sold separately.
World’s first built-in wireless Dolby Atmos connection
Wireless Dolby Atmos
Enjoy surround sound from every corner of the room, without HDMI cables. 11 channels, 1 subwoofer and 4 up-firing channels deliver next-level true surround sound.