DeX Station

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  • Include details of your hands-on experience with the product.

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  • Include details about prices, promotions, shipping, or customer service. Please contact us instead.
  • Mention retailers, other companies, or other websites/links.
  • Include obscene vulgar, abusive, harassing, or sexually explicit language.
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  • •  Convert your Galaxy Note8, Galaxy S8/S8+ smartphone into a desktop computer
  • •  Multiple ports for connection: USB, HDMI, Ethernet
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Complete your laundry room with a matching washer

Buying for your business?
Go to DeX Station for Business
Supported payment types:

Buy and try with our 100-day, risk-free trial

Finding the perfect fit can be a challenge. Now you can shop worry-free unlike ever before.

  • Buy now by paying in full or with unbeatable Samsung Financing.
  • Try out your purchase for up to 100 days, risk-free.
  • Then, keep it or return it and get a full refund.

Samsung Select 3-Day Delivery

We will put a rush on your appliance order!
Your new appliance will arrive within three days.

  • Place your order by 2:00 EST for 3-day delivery.
  • You will receive an email with a link to schedule your delivery.
  • This service is not available during holiday blackout periods.*
  • This service is not available for orders containing ineligible products.

Desktop experience

Connect Galaxy S8 or S8+ to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse using DeX Station to multitask with the ease of a desktop environment. Access files, edit documents, and stream videos on a bigger display—all at once—using your Galaxy S8 or S8+ as the computer.

Seamless switching

Simply connect your Galaxy S8 or S8+ to DeX Station to have instant access to whatever you have on your phone. From your everyday apps to working on important documents, Galaxy S8 and S8+ deftly handle desktop duties thanks to the powerful 10nm AP processor.



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From {{model.prices.monthlyPrice}}/mo for {{model.prices.months}} mos
or {{model.prices.currentPriceDisplay}}
Price without VAT: {{model.prices.vatFreePriceFormatted}}

Price with discount: {{model.prices.currentPriceDisplay}}

Price before: {{model.prices.priceDisplay}}

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  • {{summary.title}}


  • {{summary.title}}

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