(2021) 50" The Frame Customizable Bezel - Modern Beige

(2021-2022) 50" The Frame Customizable Bezel - Modern Beige

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(2021-2022) 50" The Frame Customizable Bezel - Modern Beige
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Compatible with the 50" 2021 Frame TV

Available in 4 bezel colors to choose from, to match your style.

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    Cake isn’t cake without the icing

    Cake isn’t cake without the icing

    Complete the style of The Frame¹ with the Customizable Bezel.²

    More colors, more styles, more you

    Express your style — even with your TV. Choose a color and style to curate your space. 

    More colors, more styles, more you
    Choose your color

    Choose your color

    The Frame Customizable Bezels come in 4 colors including White, Teak, Brown and Sand Gold to offer a tasteful aesthetic. 

    Two stylish designs

    Modern option comes in a simple profile with a natural wooden finish. Beveled silhouette accentuates your art and adds a premium touch with the metal finish. 

    Two stylish designs
    Two stylish designs

    Not just a crowd magnet

    The bezels are actually magnetic!
    Simply line them up to The Frame TV and snap them on.

    • General Feature

      Accessory Type

      Customizable Frame Bezels

    • Dimensions & Weight

      Accessory Size (W x H x D)

      44.39" x 25.60" x 0.97"

      Shipping Dimensions

      46.93" x 3.70" x 3.54"

    • Weight

      Product Weight

      0.82 lbs.

      Shipping Weight (lbs)

      2.01 lbs.

    • Surge Protectors



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