Experian leverages Samsung Ads’ Smart Audiences

Experian leverages Samsung Ads’ Smart Audiences to increase website traffic and drive efficiency.


To make effective credit-related decisions, healthy and efficient financial providers depend on secure access to reliable data. Almost 90% of businesses responding to a 2023 survey said that investment in data and analytics was a top priority. But only 37% said that their efforts to improve data quality had been successful.1


Experian, a leader in the data analytics and consumer reporting space, was keen to meet market needs and maintain its competitive edge in the industry. The company turned to Samsung Ads to harness the power of AI through Samsung Smart Audiences and create a cost-effective media strategy with the aim of increasing traffic to its website. “As a market leader in TV tech, Samsung knows better than anyone who a viewer is and what they are consuming,” says Doug Paladino, programmatic director at PMG, who leads the Experian account.


A media strategy optimized for maximum conversions

Balancing cost-savings with a high-impact approach, Samsung Ads recommended that Experian could optimize its existing strategy by leveraging Smart Audiences — a proprietary, AI-powered solution that leverages first-party data layered into an existing data strategy. By working with the systems already in place, the enhancements provided by Smart Audiences allowed Experian to quickly and easily target audiences who were highly likely to convert.


Increasing website traffic with the help of AI

The strategy worked. During the 30-day campaign, the Experian website enjoyed a marked increase in traffic — all while reducing the company’s average cost per action (CPA) by 16%. “Samsung’s Smart Audiences allowed Experian to leverage this unique data set to drive performance for our streaming campaigns,” says Paladino.


Experian also counted 3.5 million impressions and more than 1,300 registrations during this period, a significant measure of a successful partnership with Samsung Ads and the boost gained from adding Smart Audiences to its media strategy.




1 Statista, “Global state of data and analytics investment 2023, ” March 14, 2024.


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