How to use Spotify on the Samsung Multiroom system
You can connect the Multiroom App to Spotify using Spotify Connect.
Please note that free Spotify accounts do not include Spotify Connect. This is a special feature included with Spotify Premium Accounts.
As Spotify is not an app developed by Samsung, we are not able to provide support for it. If you have any queries or feedback for a third party app, we recommend contacting that app's developers. You can find out more about Spotify Premium here.
To use Spotify Connect on your Multiroom app:
(You will need to have Spotify Connect available with a Spotify Premium account in order to stream to multiple devices)
Select the song you like to play, then click on the speaker icon. This will either be at the side of the play/forward icons or right at the bottom of the screen.
Click on the speaker you like to play the music through and enjoy Spotify on your Samsung Speakers.
Why can I only stream to one speaker? I want to stream different tracks to different speakers.
Currently, Spotify accounts do not offer the opportunity to stream to multiple devices via Spotify Connect. Unfortunately, Samsung is not able to offer support for third party apps. We recommend that if you have any feedback or queries that you contact the app developer directly. You can find support for Spotify here.
Connecting to Spotify keeps taking me back to the app store.
You will need to have a premium Spotify account in order to play Spotify on multiple devices.
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