How to use the Samsung Members app

Samsung members

On the Members app you can get expert support, community connection and exclusive perks. Discover your possibilities with Samsung Members. In here, you can get insider know-how, the right solutions from the people who know, more of the things you love, and the power to help create the future.

Before you try out below recommendations as to your solutions, be sure to check if your device's software and related apps are updated with latest version. Please check how to update your mobile device's software in following order. 

Step 1. Go to Settings > Software update.

Step 2. Tap on Download and install

Step 3. Follow the on-screen instructions. 

The discover section allows you to explore some Community features. Editor Picks is a selection of articles from the Samsung Community. Top User Posts offers a quick glance at the most dedicated posts. The Galaxy Gallery lets you view photos shared by members. Participate in Contests for a chance to win prizes and finally, head to the Galaxy Shop for all your shopping needs.

Editor picks and Galaxy Gallery on the Discover section.

News and tips gives you insider news / info from experts and provides tips and tricks for you to use your technology to its fullest potential. You can also get the most out of special offers from Samsung Benefits. Access exclusive perks for the things you love and places you go.

Benefits and News and tips on the Discover section.

Please note: Some features may not be available depending on the country.

In Samsung Members Community, you can connect and share with others. Share tips and reviews, your brilliant solutions with other Galaxy users in the Community. It's a peer-led space like you.

Community home screen.

Please contact Samsung Members for any errors or inquiries while using Samsung products and services. You can also find frequently asked questions. Each function is provided when selecting the Support section.

Phone diagnostics

Phone diagnostics and FAQ options.

Keep your Galaxy at its best. You can easily perform diagnostics to check the condition of your device. You can tap Get started to run checks automatically.


Get the answers you need. A comprehensive FAQ section is ready with the answers you were looking for.

Quick Help

Quick Help section with options available.

You can also ask Samsung expert advisers directly for more in-depth responses or send reports on issues such as apps crashing. You can choose whether you want a Text chat, Remote management or to Send feedback.

Please note: Suggestions may not be available depending on the country.

With the Samsung Members application, you can submit an error report for troubleshooting your device. You can submit a report from issues such as slow device, overheating, system/settings, and much more. View below steps on how to submit an error report.

Support section highlighted on the Samsung Members screen. Support section highlighted on the Samsung Members screen.

Step 1. Open the Samsung Members app, and then tap the Support section.

Quick Help option selected.   Quick Help option selected.

Step 2. Go to Quick Help.

Send feedback option highlighted. Send feedback option highlighted.

Step 3. Tap Send feedback.

Send option highlighted. Send option highlighted.

Step 4. Select the send icon.

Send feedback section with multiple categories available Send feedback section with multiple categories available

Step 5. You will be able to choose from Category on what issue your device might be experiencing among the list.

Send icon selected Send icon selected

Step 6. Please enter issue details or attach a video or screenshot to make easier to understand. Then tap the Send icon to complete report.

Please note: You can also submit an error report by pressing and holding the Samsung Members app and selecting Error reports.

How to report error using Galaxy Wearable application

In the case of a wearable device, it is possible to send error reports by accessing Galaxy Wearable app instead of direct access to the Samsung Members app.

Device Management icon selected. Device Management icon selected.

Step 1. Open the Wearable app > Select Device Management.

Menu icon selected.   Menu icon selected.

Step 2. Select Menu.

Settings option highlighted. Settings option highlighted.

Step 3. Select Settings.

Contact us option highlighted.   Contact us option highlighted.

Step 4. Select Contact us.

Send feedback option highlighted. Send feedback option highlighted.

Step 5. Select Send feedback.

Send option highlighted. Send option highlighted.

Step 6. Describe problem in detail and SEND.

Please note: Device screenshots and menu may vary depending on the device model and software version.

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