How to use One-handed mode and One Hand Operation +

Using One-handed mode and One Hand Operation + on a Galaxy device

Easily control your device with just one hand via One-handed mode and One Hand Operation +. One-handed mode can be accessed via the Advanced features on your smartphone, allowing you to scale down the display size of your screen. With the One Hand Operation + application, you can access your favourite apps, switch on the torch, take a screenshot and more with just a simple swipe of your thumb/finger. 

Please note: One Hand Operation + is available on smartphones and tablets, but One-handed mode is only accessible on smartphones.

Your Galaxy smartphone also comes built-in with a one-handed mode for easier control of your device. 

1 Open Settings.
Settings icon
2 Tap Advanced features.
Advanced features in settings
3 Tap One-handed mode.
Tap One-handed mode in advanced features
4 Toggle it on, and choose your preferred action to launch One-handed mode.
Toggle on One-handed mode
5 You can activate One-handed mode by swiping down on the centre of the bottom edge of the screen (where the home button is located) or by double tapping the home button.

If you would like your minimised window to switch sides, tap the white arrow on the side. Tap the white horizontal bar above the window to move it up and down. Adjust the window size by holding and then dragging the top corner of the window to your preferred size.  Exit One-handed mode by tapping on the empty space outside the window.

Tap the white arrow to switch the side of the minimised window
2 Swipe down with two fingers to access your Quick Panel, and then tap the pencil icon.
Tap the pencil icon on your quick panel
3 Tap Edit below Full.
Tap the edit button below full
4 Hold the One Hand Operation + button and drag it to the quick panel, then tap Done.
Hold and drag the One Hand Operation button to the quick panel Hold and drag the One Hand Operation button to the quick panel

Step 1: Tap and hold the One Hand Operation + button

Hold and drag the One Hand Operation button to the quick panel Hold and drag the One Hand Operation button to the quick panel

Step 2: Drag it to the quick panel, then tap Done.

5 If necessary, go back to the quick panel and tap the One Hand Operation + button to enable it.
Tap the One Hand Operation + button in the quick panel
6 Once enabled, you will be able to short swipe across your screen, diagonally up and down to action certain settings.
Short swiping across the smartphone home screen using One Hand Operation +
1 Long press One Hand Operation + in your Quick Panel.
Long press One Hand Operation + in your quick panel
2 From here, adjust and customise the handles depending on the size of your hand, thickness of your thumb, or the shape of your case for optimal gesture recognition.
Adjust the One Hand Operation + handles
3 Select a handle to customise the swipe settings.
Select a handle for customisation
4 Tap on a swipe function then select your preferred action. Once customised to suit your preferences, you will easily be able to access settings, actions or even launch applications.
Diagonal up on left handle settings Diagonal up on left handle settings

Step 1: Tap Diagonal Up

Start application on swipe action settings Start application on swipe action settings

Step 2: Select Start application.

Select Gallery to update the swipe gesture Select Gallery to update the swipe gesture

Step 3: Tap Gallery. A diagonal up swipe on the left handle now opens the Gallery app.

1 Long press One Hand Operation + in your Quick Panel.
Long press One Hand Operation + in your Quick Panel
2 Tap Advanced settings.
Tap advanced settings in the One Hand Operation + app
3 Tap Animation.
Tap Animation in the advanced settings
4 Set the Animation style to Curved line, then choose an option under set colour to customise.
Change the animation style to a curved line
5 Choose a colour then tap on Done.
Select a curved line colour
6 Repeat steps for Arrow colour and Outline colour. The appearance of the handle has now changed.
An example of the new red handle

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