How to apply Galaxy Z Flip5 screen protector
Watch the video below to find out how to fit a Samsung screen protector to your Galaxy Z Flip5.
1. What's in the box
Protection film x2
Microfibre cleaner
Dust remover
Installation guide
2. Applicator
Unfold your Galaxy Z Flip5
Peel off all the stickers
On a flat surface, rotate it until the corner matches with the device
3. Microfibre cleaner
Wipe it thoroughly
4. Dust remover
Dab off any remaining dust
5. Attach
Now, let's attach it!
It's okay to make a mistake as you have two!
Peel off the label marked 1 to expose the adhesive
Flip the film over so it matches with the applicator holes
Tip 1. When aligning keep the film off the surface
Use the camera flash to line up the film
Press throughout the adhesive part with your finger
6. Squeegee time!
Position the squeegee over the centre, cut line
Lift the film up so the blue tab comes off and press the fan-shaped area forward
Turn it upside down
Detach from each hole one by one
Remove the applicator
Place the squeegee in the middle where the film is already attached
Tip 2. Hold the device firmly while pressing the squeegee forward
Press firmly to secure adhesion
Slide the squeegee evenly towards the edge of the screen
Flip the phone shut
Remove the label marked 2
Rub the edges firmly to ensure no gaps remain
All done!
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