What is Device Care and how do I use it?

Please note: Battery and device care is the optimisation app for devices running Android 11. If your device is running Android 9.0 and 10.0, it will be called Device care. On Android Oreo or Nougat your optimisation app will be named Device maintenance and function in a similar way to Device care. If your device is running Android Marshmallow or below you can optimise performance with Smart manager.

Battery and device care gives you all the tools you need to keep your device running smoothly, automatically optimising your battery, storage, memory and security. When you open Battery and device care, your phone will run a diagnostic check and give you a score out of 100. The higher your score is, the better optimised your device is.

Where is Battery and device care?

By default, there isn't an app icon for Battery and device care. Instead, it can be found by going to Settings Battery and device care

Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone

Optimising your device

Optimising your device ensures that it is operating on top form at all times. Optimisation scans your device to determine what is using your battery, how your storage is looking, what is using the most memory and if there are any threats on your device. Optimisation happens automatically once a day but can also be started manually.

1 Go to Battery and device care.
Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone
2 Wait for a moment while Battery and device care runs a diagnosis on your device.
Checking displayed on the screen while Battery and device care runs diagnosis
3 Tap Optimise now.
Optimise now selected under diagnostic results on a Galaxy smartphone

Your device is scheduled to automatically optimise itself once a day. You can customise the auto optimisation feature to adjust when it will run and whether or not it will close your background apps.

1 Go to Battery and device care.
Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone
2 Tap the options icon.
Three dot options menu selected on a Galaxy smartphone
3 Tap Automation.
Automation selected inside the options menu on a Galaxy smartphone
4 To adjust the auto optimisation schedule tap Auto optimise daily.
Auto optimise daily selected on a Galaxy smartphone
5 Tap Time.

Please note: your phone will only be optimised if the screen is off and your device isn't in use. It is recommended to schedule optimisation for a time that you are not normally using your device.

Time selected inside Auto optimise daily on a Galaxy smartphone
6 Adjust the clock to the time you would like Auto optimise to run then tap Done.
Done selected under Set time on a Galaxy smartphone
7 If you would like auto optimisation to close your background apps, tap the switch next to Close apps to free up memory.

Please note: your most recently used apps will not be closed. Only your background apps will be closed.

Switch next to Close apps to free up memory selected on a Galaxy smartphone
8 If you would like to turn off auto optimisation, tap the switch at the top of the screen.
Switch next to On selected in Auto optimise daily


The battery is the beating heart of your device, giving you the power you need to use your favourite apps. When optimising the battery, Battery and device care will close any apps that are draining your battery in the background. Through Battery and device care you can change the power mode, check your battery usage and customise a range of power management features.

In order to save battery, you can activate Power saving mode. 

1 Go to Battery and device care.
Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone
2 Tap Battery.
Battery selected in Device care on a Galaxy smartphone
3 Toggle the switch next to Power saving mode.
Switch next to Power saving mode selected on a Galaxy smartphone
1 Go to Battery and device care.
Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone
2 Tap Battery.
Battery selected in Device care on a Galaxy smartphone
3 Tap More battery settings.
More battery settings selected on a Galaxy smartphone
4 A number of options for app power management will be displayed. Tap the switch next to any feature that you want to enable or disable. The switch will move to the right and turn blue when enabled.
Options for app power management displayed


All of your apps and files are saved to the internal storage of your device unless you're using an SD card. If you find that you are running out of storage space, Battery and device care can show you if you have any duplicate files, large files or unused files to help you free up some space.

1 Go to Battery and device care.
Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone
2 Tap Storage.
Storage selected inside Device care on a Galaxy smartphone
3 The data stored on your device will be shown separated into different categories.
Internal storage categories shown on a Galaxy smartphone
4 Tap the data type you would like to see in more detail.
Internal storage categories highlighted on a Galaxy smartphone
5 If you can see any files that you no longer need, press and hold them down to select them, then tap Delete.
Images shown on a Galaxy smartphone

Advanced options

1 Go to Battery and device care.
Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone
2 Tap Storage.
Storage selected inside Device care on a Galaxy smartphone
3 Tap the options icon.
Options icon selected inside storage on a Galaxy smartphone
4 Tap Advanced.
Advanced selected on a Galaxy smartphone
5 You will be shown more information about the storage that is currently in use on your device.
Detailed storage information displayed on Galaxy smartphone


The memory on your device quickly loads all of the information about the app or game you are using. If your device is close to using all of its available memory you may find that your device slows down or apps don't function as they should. You can free up memory on your device by closing apps that are running in the background.

1 Go to Battery and device care.
Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone
2 Tap Memory.
Memory selected inside Device care on a Galaxy smartphone
3 You will be shown some of the apps that are currently using your memory. Tap View more to see them all.
View more selected inside Memory on a Galaxy smartphone
4 Tap on any apps that you don't want to be closed.
app selected from a list inside Memory
5 Once happy, tap Clean now.
Clean now selected inside Memory on a Galaxy smartphone

There may be some apps that you don't want to close when optimisation occurs. Any apps that you don't want to close can be added to an exemption list that won't be checked when your device is optimised.

1 Go to Battery and device care.
Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone
2 Tap Memory.
Memory selected inside Device care on a Galaxy smartphone
3 Tap Excluded apps.
Excluded apps selected inside Memory on a Galaxy smartphone
4 Tap +.
Plus icon selected inside Excluded apps on a Galaxy smartphone
5 Tap on any app that you don't want to be closed during optimisation and tap Add.
Add selected under a list of apps on a Galaxy smartphone
6 These apps will be added to your list of apps to exclude from memory usage checks.
Excluded apps shown in a list on a Galaxy smartphone


It's important to keep your device secure from any threats to your data. Fortunately, Samsung devices are full of security features such as Samsung Knox. The Battery and device care app is partnered with security experts McAfee to help scan your device for malware and suspicious activity.

1 Go to Battery and device care.
Battery and device care selected from a list inside Settings on a Galaxy smartphone
2 Tap Device protection.
Device protection selected inside Device care on a Galaxy smartphone
3 Tap Scan phone.
Scan phone selected on a Galaxy smartphone
4 All of the apps and data on your device will be scanned. The time this takes to complete will depend on how much you have saved.
Scanning displayed on a Galaxy smartphone
5 Once the scan is complete you will be shown whether or not your device is secure.
No threats found screen displayed after scanning

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