How do I send an error report for my wearable?

If you encounter a problem or issue on your Galaxy Wearable, the best place to turn for answers is Samsung Members. Using the Galaxy Wearable app you can send a detailed error report to the Samsung Members team, to request an analysis of what happened.

Troubleshoot your issue and book a repair

Troubleshoot your issue and book a repair

Need help with your product? Try our online troubleshooter to resolve the problem. If it hasn’t solved the issue you’re experiencing, you can book a repair online too.

1 Launch the Galaxy Wearable app on your smartphone within 15 minutes of experiencing your issue

Please note: if you can send an error report within two to three minutes of experiencing your issue, more accurate analysis is possible

Tap the Galaxy Wearable app
2 Connect your wearable to the Galaxy Wearable app
Connect your Wearable
3 Tap the more icon in the top left of the screen. It will appear as three horizontal lines
Tap the more icon
4 Tap Contact Us
Tap Contact Us
5 Tap Error reports
Error reports
6 Fill out the error report with details of what happened
Complete the error report
7 Once finished, tap the send icon in the top right of the screen
Tap the send icon
8 An expert from the Samsung Members team will try and respond to the report as quickly as possible

If you're experiencing unusual behaviour on Samsung mobiles, tablets or wearables, you can send us an error report or ask us a question in the Samsung Members app.

This allows us to take a closer look at what is happening. The data is anonymised and only held for the duration of the investigation. Find out more about sending an error report through the Samsung Members app.

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