How do I access the accessibility settings on my Galaxy Note 4?

To access the accessibility features, from the Home screen touch How do I access the accessibility settings on my Galaxy Note 4?  Apps > Icon Settings Settings > Accessibility Settings Icon Accessibility.



Visual assistance

  • TalkBack: when this feature is turned on your device will read aloud the menu and on-screen options to assist blind or low-vision users. Read more about TalkBack below.
  • Dark screen: when TalkBack is turned on place a check mark next to Dark screen to keep the screen turned off at all times. You can also double-press the Power key to turn this feature on or off.
  • Rapid key input: release your finger to enter a selection instead of double-touching.
  • Speak passwords: place a check mark next to this feature to have the device read aloud characters as they are entered into a password field.
  • Font size: adjust the size of your device's font.
  • Magnification gestures: touch Magnification gestures to access the feature controls and view available gestures. Touch the switch Slider Off to turn Magnification gestures on Slider On .
  • Notification reminder: touch Notification reminder to hear a beep at set intervals when you have unread notifications. Touch the switch Slider Off to turn Notification reminder on Slider On . Touch Reminder interval to choose 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes or 1 hour.
  • Negative colours: invert the colour of the screen: text that usually appears black on white will be shown white on black.
  • Colour adjustment: your device can adjust colours to compensate for colour-blindness. Touch Colour adjustment and then touch the switch Slider Off to turn Colour adjustment on Slider On . Touch Start and then touch the colour boxes in the order of similarity to the first colour displayed below. When finished touch Done.
  • Accessibility shortcut: add an accessibility shortcut to the power menu. When it is turned on you can open "Accessibility features" by pressing and holding the Power key and then touching and holding with two fingers anywhere on the screen until you hear the audio confirmation. Touch Accessibility shortcut and then touch the switch Slider Off to turn the Accessibility shortcut on Slider On .
  • Text-to-speech options: adjust the Speech rate at which text is spoken and select the preferred text-to-speech engine.


Accessibility Service - Talkback


The TalkBack feature will read aloud the menu location you are in and it can also read aloud on-screen options you select to assist blind or low-vision users. When the feature is turned on touch the screen with two fingers to navigate or select an item. To turn on TalkBack, from the Home screen touch How do I access the accessibility settings on my Galaxy Note 4? Apps  > Icon Settings Settings  > Accessibility Settings Icon Accessibility > Vision.


1. Touch TalkBack and then touch the switch Slider Off to turn TalkBack on Slider On .


2. Touch OK to continue and allow TalkBack permissions to the device.

TalkBack Permissions

3. A tutorial will be displayed (touch is disabled while the tutorial is speaking). With two fingers touch Exit to quit the tutorial or touch Next > Finish to complete the tutorial.

TalkBack Tutorial 

Turning off Talkback


1. With two fingers swipe from the top of the screen to the bottom to access the Notification Panel.

2. With two fingers touch TalkBack has been turned on.

Notification Panel

3. With two fingers touch Vision > TalkBack.

Accessibility Settings Vision Settings


4. With two fingers touch the switch Slider On to turn TalkBack off Slider Off and then touch OK with two fingers to stop TalkBack.

Stop TalkBack Pop-up 

Touch Settings at the bottom of the screen to edit the following TalkBack settings:

  • Speech volume: select the speech level of TalkBack. Choose Match media volume, 75% of media volume, 50% of media volume or 25% of media volume.
  • Use pitch changes: have any keyboard feedback spoken at a different pitch.
  • Keyboard echo: always speak typed keys.
  • Speak when screen is off: have TalkBack speak to you even when the screen is off.
  • Use proximity sensor: have TalkBack turn off when the proximity sensor is activated, such as when you place your device to your ear.
  • Shake to start continuous reading: when selected this feature lets you begin continuous reading from any menu by shaking the device.
  • Speak caller ID: reads aloud the caller ID name or number during incoming calls.
  • Vibration feedback: have TalkBack use vibration feedback when you are interacting with your device.
  • Sound feedback: turn on sound feedback when TalkBack is on.
  • Focus speech audio: decrease the volume of other sounds when TalkBack is speaking.
  • Sound volume: select the sound feedback level of TalkBack. Choose Match media volume, 75% of media volume, 50% of media volume or 25% of media volume.
  • Explore by touch: touch your device's screen and hear what's under your finger via spoken feedback.
  • Automatically scroll lists: scroll through lists automatically.
  • Single-tap selection: use a single touch to select a focused item.
  • Launch "Explore by touch" tutorial: open a tutorial on how to use the Explore by Touch feature.
  • Manage gestures: assign one of the following shortcuts to any of the swipe gestures: Unassigned, Back button, Home button, Recent apps button, Open Notifications, Open global context menu, Open local context menu, Read from top and Read from next item. Touch Two part vertical gestures and select Move to the first and last items on screen or Cycle through reading granularities.
  • Manage custom labels: manage labels assigned to a previously unlabeled image.
  • Resume from suspend: resume TalkBack When screen turns on, When lock screen is shown, or From notification only.
  • Developer settings: access TalkBack settings used for developing applications. Choose Log output level or Display speech output.

Hearing assistance

  • Flash notification: your device's camera flash will blink when you receive a notification.
  • Turn off all sounds: turn off all sounds, including the receiver voice.
  • Hearing aids: improve the sound quality of the device when it used with hearing aids.
  • Samsung subtitles (CC): turn on closed captions provided by Samsung in supported apps, such as the Video app.
  • Google subtitles (CC): Turn on closed captions provided by Google in supported apps.
  • Sound balance: adjust the sound balance of media when using headphones.
  • Mono audio: provide mono audio for listening with only one earphone.
  • Baby crying detector: when you open the Baby crying detector a vibration will alert you if the device registers a baby crying.
  • Auto haptic: your device will vibrate in time to music and sound from videos or games being played on the device.

Dexterity and Interaction - Assistance Menu

The Assistant menu can help users with dexterity problems by simplifying access to certain frequently used features. To turn it on, from the Home screen touch How do I access the accessibility settings on my Galaxy Note 4? Apps  > Icon Settings Settings  > Accessibility Settings Icon Accessibility  > Dexterity and interaction. Touch Assistant menu and then touch the switch Slider Off to turn Assistant menu on Slider On .


When the feature is on, Assistant menu  displays over any screen you view. Touch and drag the icon to move it to a new location on the screen. Touch the icon to view the menu, which can be customized using the following settings:

  • Dominant hand: choose Left or Right to set your dominant hand.
  • Edit: choose which assistive functions to display, as well as their order, in the Assistant menu.
  • Assistant plus: choose which apps should display a contextual Assistant menu with options related to the app.
  • Touchpad size: choose the touchpad size when using the cursor tool in the Assistant menu.
  • Cursor size: choose the cursor size when using the cursor tool in the Assistant menu.
  • Cursor speed: choose the cursor speed when using the cursor tool in the Assistant menu.

Several other settings are also available to help with dexterity and device interaction:

  • Air wake up: touch Air wake up and touch the switch Slider Off to turn it on Slider On . When the feature is on you can move your hand above the sensor after the screen has turned off to turn it back on.
  • Press and hold delay: when you touch and hold the screen this option controls how long your device will delay before opening contextual menus or actions. Choose Short (0.5 seconds), Medium (1.0 seconds), Long (1.5 seconds), or Custom.
  • Interaction control: this feature lets you turn off motions, screen timeout, and other interactions in an open application. Touch the switch Slider Off to turn Interaction control on Slider On . To activate Interaction control in an app, with the app open press the Home and Volume down keys at the same time.

Accessibility Settings

  • Direct access: turn on certain accessibility settings by pressing the Home key three times quickly. Place a check mark next to the settings to select them: Accessibility, TalkBack, Negative colours and Interaction control. If you choose more than one a list of choices will display: touch the setting you want to open.
  • Answering and ending calls: choose the methods you want to use for answering and ending calls.
  • Single tap mode: single-touch to stop and snooze alarms, calendar events and timers, and to accept or reject incoming calls.
  • Manage accessibility: save, update and share your accessibility settings. Touch Manage accessibility to access these additional options:
    • Import/Export: import accessibility settings or export your settings for recovery later or sharing with someone else.
    • Share via: send your accessibility settings file via Bluetooth, Email, Gmail, Messages or Wi-Fi Direct.
      Note: additional sharing options may be available on your device. The options may vary based on applications installed and features you have turned on.
  • Services: access settings for other accessibility applications you have downloaded to your device.

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