Updates to the Apps Screen on the Samsung Galaxy S25

Explore the updates to the Apps screen on the Galaxy S25 running One UI 7.  These updates include adjustments to app sorting, search bar placement, and screen scrolling. Follow our guide for an overview of the new features and improvements to the Apps screen layout and navigation.

A Galaxy device displaying the updated Apps screen with app icons extending beyond the screen with an arrow above suggesting vertical scrolling.

Please note: Updates may vary by software version, device model, region, etc.

The Galaxy S25 relocated the search bar to the bottom, improving usability for one-handed users, enabling access without needing to adjust your hand position.

A gesture swiping up to reveal the original search bar at the top of the Apps screen in One UI 6 A gesture swiping up to reveal the original search bar at the top of the Apps screen in One UI 6

One UI 6

A gesture swiping up to reveal the updated search bar at the bottom of the Apps screen in One UI 7 A gesture swiping up to reveal the updated search bar at the bottom of the Apps screen in One UI 7

Optimised one-handed usability in One UI 7

The Apps screen now supports vertical scrolling on the Samsung Galaxy S25 when sorted in alphabetical order, replacing the previous horizontal scroll on previous software versions.

Please note:

  • Horizontal scrolling is the same as before when sorted in Custom order.
  • Custom Order sorting is the default sorting method on the Samsung Galaxy series.
A GIF showing the original horizontal scroll pattern in One UI 6 A GIF showing the original horizontal scroll pattern in One UI 6

One UI 6 horizontal scroll

A GIF showing the updated vertical scroll for alphabetically sorted apps in One UI 7 A GIF showing the updated vertical scroll for alphabetically sorted apps in One UI 7

One UI 7 vertical scroll

How to change scroll orientation

Displaying the Apps screen and 'More options' menu open, highlighting the 'Sort' option for app organisation. Displaying the Apps screen and 'More options' menu open, highlighting the 'Sort' option for app organisation.

Step 1. In the Apps screen, tap More options (three vertical dots) > Tap Sort.

Displaying the Apps screen and 'Sort' menu options, highlighting the ‘Alphabetical order’ option highlighted. Displaying the Apps screen and 'Sort' menu options, highlighting the ‘Alphabetical order’ option highlighted.

Step 2. Tap Alphabetical order.

Displaying apps sorted in alphabetical order Displaying apps sorted in alphabetical order

Step 3. Search apps using vertical scroll.

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