Galaxy Buds not working in power saving mode

You may have noticed that when you turn on a power saving mode on your Galaxy S10, the audio from your Galaxy Buds stops. This occurs if the music or audio application being used is set as a “Sleeping app”. Sleeping apps will stop running when the background data is restricted in any power saving mode.


To remove music and audio applications from the list of sleeping apps, please follow the steps below: 

1 Open “Settings” and tap “Device care”.
Tap Device care
2 Select “Battery”.
Select Battery
3 Tap the more options icon and select “Settings”.
Tap the more options icon and select Settings
4 Choose “Sleeping apps”.
Choose Sleeping apps
5 Tap the dustbin icon on the top right corner.
Tap the dustbin icon
6 Select the apps you wish to remove from the “Sleeping apps”.

The apps you remove will be the ones that will continue to work when you activate a power saving modes.

7 Tap “Remove”.
Select the apps and tap remove

You may also add applications you wish to shut down when you activate a power saving mode by tapping “Add” and choosing the apps you wish to include in the list. Once the desired apps have been selected, tap “Add” to save them to the list.

Tap Add and select the apps to include in the list

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