Changes to Home Screen & Wallpaper on Samsung Galaxy S25

Explore the new features and updates to the Home screen on the Samsung Galaxy S25 running One UI 7, with features like customisable app icon sizes and the ability to adjust labels to apps and widgets. Follow our guide and learn more about the Samsung Galaxy S25 Home screen changes.

A Galaxy device displaying the One UI 7 Home screen. To the right, two screenshots show the home screen in landscape mode.

Please note:

  • Updates may vary by software version, device model, region, etc.
  • Images used are simulated for illustrative purposes and the actual UI may vary by OS version, device model, region, etc.

The home screen grids offered on the Galaxy S25 have been refined to make it easier to create optimised layouts and enhance the overall aesthetics of the Home screen.

Home screen grid options for One UI 6. Home screen grid options for One UI 6.

One UI 6

Home screen grid options for One UI 7. Home screen grid options for One UI 7.

One UI 7

Please note: The 4x5, 5x5 grid arrangements will no longer be available in the default selection for devices running One UI 7.

Potential changes to your home screen’s appearance on the Galaxy S25
After transferring apps and data from your old device, the home screen layout may change, resulting in empty spaces where apps or widgets were previously located.

The appearance of apps and widgets will now stay consistent across both portrait and landscape modes. In landscape view, apps will automatically realign, beginning with those that occupy the most space, starting from the left corner. This may cause the grid to be repositioned based on the layout you used (e.g., a 4x6 layout will adjust to 6x4 in landscape view).

Home screen in portrait mode.
Home screen in landscape mode.

Enable auto rotation to landscape mode for the home screen

Quick settings panel. Quick settings panel.

Step 1. Swipe down from the right corner to access the quick settings panel > Tap the Auto rotate icon to enable.

Quick settings panel with ‘auto rotate’ activated. Quick settings panel with ‘auto rotate’ activated.

Step 2. Tap and hold down on the Auto rotate icon to open the Auto rotate settings.

Auto rotate settings. Auto rotate settings.

Step 3. Tap on the Home screen switch to enable landscape view.

Status Bar
You will notice that the status bar is not visible in landscape view. Simply swipe down from the top of the screen to view the status bar, and swipe down once more to access the notification and quick settings panel.

Editing the Home screen
The ability to edit the home screen is restricted in landscape view in order to maintain the same layout format in both landscape and portrait views.

  • Moving or deleting app icons and widgets is not supported.
  • Resizing folders is not supported.
Home screen in landscape mode displaying a notification that says the home screen cannot be edited. Home screen in landscape mode displaying a notification that says the home screen cannot be edited.

Added labels to Widgets
In prior One UI versions, widgets and apps placed side by side may have looked misaligned due to the absence of labels on widgets. The new update introduces labels for widgets, creating a more polished and neatly aligned appearance next to app icons. If you prefer to display widgets without labels, follow the steps below to disable them.

Turning labels on and off for both Apps and Widgets

Settings menu with ‘Home screen’ highlighted. Settings menu with ‘Home screen’ highlighted.

Step 1. Open Settings > Tap Home screen.

Home screen settings. Home screen settings.

Step 2. Tap App and widget style.

App and widget style settings. App and widget style settings.

Step 3. Tap the switches to enable App labels and Widget labels.

Please note:

  • To prevent certain labels from being cut off and creating a cluttered appearance, the addition of labels does not apply to widgets from third-party apps.
  • The space occupied by the labels reduces the overall height of the widget, sometimes limiting the content displayed.
  • App labels must be turned on in order to enable Widget labels.

Improved recommended widget list
Now you can preview various formats of selected widgets at once, making it easier to choose the best fit for your chosen layout.

Various widget formats displayed in the recommended widgets list. Various widget formats displayed in the recommended widgets list.

Changing App size
The size of app icons can be changed by dragging the slider left or right.

App and widget style settings. App and widget style settings.
Small app icons. Small app icons.

Small size app icons

Medium size icons. Medium size icons.

Medium size app icons

Large app icons Large app icons

Large size app icons

The notification and quick settings panel can now be accessed separately in one swipe from the home screen.

The swipe area for the notification panel and quick settings panel is divided in approximately a 7:3 ratio (refer to the image below).
* You can change the position of the touch area for the Notification panel and the Quick settings panel.

Home screen showing two swipe areas. The notification panel occupies 70%, and the quick panel occupies 30%.
Notifications panel. Notifications panel.

Swipe down from the top left of the screen to open the notification panel.

Quick settings panel. Quick settings panel.

Swipe down from the top right of the screen to open the quick settings panel.

If you prefer to use the previous swipe gesture to access the notification and quick settings panel, follow the steps below to revert back:

Quick settings panel. Quick settings panel.

Step 1. Swipe down from the right corner to access the Quick settings panel > select the Edit icon.

Quick settings panel with editing enabled. Quick settings panel with editing enabled.

Step 2. Tap Panel settings.

Panel settings screen. Panel settings screen.

Step 3. Select Together.

Now you have the option to expand app folders from a 1x1 size to a 2x2 size. With enlarged folders, you can easily view and access grouped apps with one click.

Enlarge and Shrink folders

Home screen with a folder settings pop-up menu from an app folder with ‘Enlarge’ highlighted. Home screen with a folder settings pop-up menu from an app folder with ‘Enlarge’ highlighted.

Tap and hold down on the app folder to open the folder settings pop-up menu > Tap Enlarge.

* Folders can’t be enlarged if there’s not enough space around them.

Home screen with a folder settings pop-up menu from an enlarged app folder with ‘Shrink’ highlighted. Home screen with a folder settings pop-up menu from an enlarged app folder with ‘Shrink’ highlighted.

Tap and hold down on the app folder to open the folder settings pop-up menu > Tap Shrink.

Launch an app from the enlarged folder

Home screen with enlarged folder. Home screen with enlarged folder.

Step 1. Tap the icon inside the enlarged folder to launch the app directly.

Open the enlarged folder

Home screen with enlarged folder. Home screen with enlarged folder.

Step 1. Tap the expand icon (three horizontal dots) inside a folder to open the folder.

Expanded folder. Expanded folder.

Step 2. View all apps in a folder.

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